Made with Python, Jupyter Notebooks
Frameworks/Languages/Tools Used: BeautifulSoup, requests, csv, pandas, scikit-learn, pickle, streamlit
Skills developed/used: Web scraping, data extraction, data cleaning, data processing, website development
Skinhance is an app that uses machine learning to help you find similar skincare products to a product that you are currently using or looking into.
- Choose a product from the dropdown list. You can search by product, brand, or keyword.
- You will find a list of Product Recommendations and Similar Ingredients.
- The Product Recommendations list recommends products with similar benefits to the chosen product.
- The Similar Ingredients list recommends products with similar ingredients to the chosen product.
- The two lists are ordered from most similar to least similar, so the first few products are the most similar, but the further down the list you go, the less related to the chosen product they will be.
- The two lists can be very similar, but this would make sense, since products with similar ingredients will have similar benefits!
- Data was extracted from YesStyle.