Import data into mongodb using mongoimport
This plugin requires Grunt `~0.4.1
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-mongoimport --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named mongoimport
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
mongoimport: {
options: {
db : 'my-store',
host : 'localhost', //optional
port: '27017', //optional
username : 'username', //optional
password : 'password', //optional
stopOnError : false, //optional
collections : [
name : 'user',
type : 'json',
file : 'collection/users.json',
jsonArray : true, //optional
upsert : true, //optional
drop : true //optional
name : 'media',
type :'json',
file : 'collection/media.json',
jsonArray : true,
upsert : true,
drop : true
Specifies a database for mongoimport to import data.
Specifies a resolvable hostname for the mongod to which you want to restore the database.
Specifies the port number, if the MongoDB instance is not running on the standard port.
Specifies a username to authenticate to the MongoDB instance.
Specifies a password to authenticate to the MongoDB instance.
Forces mongoimport to halt the import operation at the first error rather than continuing the operation despite errors.
Specifies the name of the collection for mongoimport to import.
json|csv|tsv Declare the type of export format to import
Specify the location of a file containing the data to import.
Specify a comma separated list of field names when importing csv or tsv files that do not have field names in the first (i.e. header) line of the file.
Specifies a list of fields for the query portion of the upsert. Use this option if the _id fields in the existing documents don’t match the field in the document, but another field or field combination can uniquely identify documents as a basis for performing upsert operations.
Accept import of data expressed with multiple MongoDB documents within a single JSON array.
Modifies the import process to update existing objects in the database if they match an imported object, while inserting all other objects.
Modifies the import process so that the target instance drops every collection before importing the collection from the input.