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A Guide to the Born Again SHell

Bash is a command-line language that stands for Bourne Again Shell. It follows the Unix core-philosophy: Tools should do one thing, and do it well. Unix Bash script follows the following basic syntax

command option(s) argument(s)

Where command is a specific function, option(s) modify that function and argument(s) are the data used as an input

Table of Contents

Common Bash Commands

The following are lists of common useful commands in Bash, which is in no way a complete or definitive list. But, I have found these commands useful in my experience using Bash.

File-System Navigation and Manipulation

  • cd <path>: change directory to path
    • cd ..: change up one directory (i.e., parent directory)
    • cd: change to home directory
    • cd -: change to last directory
  • chmod: change file mode bits. perm permission options include r for read, w for write and x for executable. A + adds these permissions, while - removes them.
  • chown: change ownership of a file (or directory w/ -R). Example: chown -R $USER /media/kDubs/Backup changes all files within Backup to be owned by the current $USER.
  • clear: clear’s command terminal records
  • cp <path/to/file.txt> <target/dirORfile>: copy file to another file or a new directory. E.g., cp filename.txt (…additional files…) file2.txt: copies the contents of filename.txt to file2.txt. cp dir1/filename.txt (...additional files...) dir2/: copies filename.txt to dir2 directory.
    • scp <path/to/file> <path>: secure version of cp for remote transfer.
  • env: list environmental variables
  • exit: end terminal session
  • help: a summarized bash command directory for syntactical reference.
  • history: list history of used commands
  • ls: list files in working directory
    • Options: -a (all files), -l (long format), & -t (order by time last modified)
  • ln: create a link to another directory (symbolic links only) or file. By default, ln creates a hard link to a file (directories are not applicable for hard links), which is indistinguishable from the original (i.e., changes to one affect both) - -s/--symbolic: makes the link symbolic, and is distinguishable from the original directory or file. This is manda
  • man: manual pages, e.g. man ls opens the manual for the ls command.
  • mkdir: make directory
    • mkdir dir1 creates a directory, dir1.
  • mv: move or rename a file
    • mv file.txt dir1/: moves file.txt in CWD to dir1 OR
    • mv file1.txt file2.txt: changes the name of file1.txt to file2.txt
  • pbcopy (OSX only) - copy to clipboard
  • pbpaste (OSX only) - paste from clipboard
  • pwd: print the current working directory
  • rm: remove file or directory. For example rm file1.txt removes ‘file1.txt’ from current directory.
    • -R: recursively delete all files and directories within the directory
    • -i: interactive mode that asks for confirmation before each file is deleted.
  • rmdir: remove an empty directory
  • shutdown: logout or shutdown.
  • sudo: super user do. This command gives the user temporary super user privileges. Pronounced ‘sue-doo’.
    • e.g., sudo /root accesses the system’s root directory.
  • touch: create new file
    • touch file_name.ext: creates file_name.ext in the current directory.
  • wc: counting lines, words or bites

System Search Commands

  • find <dir> <expression>: find expression in dir directory. E.g., find . -name '*.pdf': finds all files in the current directory (.) that end with the extension .pdf
  • grep ‘global regular expression print’, for example, grep Mount mountains.txt.
    • Options: -i: case insensitive, -R: recursive (directory), -l: files with matches (rather than matches themselves), -n: shows line of match, i: case insensitive
  • locate <name>: find files and directories that match name
  • whereis <command>: locate binary, source and man-page files for a command, e.g., whereis whereis.
  • which <command>: locate a Bash binary on the system

Memory, Storage, and Processes

  • bg [job_#]: restart a suspended job and send to the background
  • df: report (-h human-readable) file system storage space usage. Disks must be mounted.
  • du: report (-h human readable) disk usage by directory. For example, sudo du / -hd1 reports the sizes of each subdirectory under the root, where d1 indicates the level of detail (i.e., depth of directory) to display.
  • fdisk: manipulate disk partition table. Example: fdisk -l lists all volumes with partition tables, regardless of whether they are mounted.
  • fg [job#]: send to the foreground a job running in the background
  • free: returns a (-h: human-readable) memory report.
  • htop: Human read-able top command. Shows current CPU core and memory usage
  • jobs: show jobs running in the background, sent by &.
  • kill: end processes running on the system. For example kill -1 1234 kills process ID 1234 with the lowest priority (i.e., -1, ‘hang-up’).
  • lsblk: list information about all available block devices. Example: lsblk -f outputs all known blocks an information about their file systems.
  • mkfs: Create a file system on a specified partition. Example: mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sba1 creates an ext4 file system on the first partition of sba.
  • parted: Create and destroy partitions. Does not make file system. Has interactive mode.
  • ps: list processes running on computer. Example: ps -ax -o pid -o ucomm prints out a list of names for processes and their respective process ID numbers (PID).
  • tar: Tape archive utility, creates and unpacks archive files out of one or many file and supports compression.
    • Create Archive: tar -cf myArchive.tar dir1 dir2: creates (c) and archive file (f, rather than tape) from all files in dir1 and dir2
    • Extract Archive: tar -xfv myArchive.tgz dir1: extract files (-xf) from myArchive (compressed with gzip) and place in dir1 with verbose option (-v).

Note that much system information is stored in /proc/cpuinfo on Linux machines or in the sysctl tool on MacOS.

Data Manipulation and Formatting

  • awk: pattern scanning and text processing. Used to manipulate data files, text retrieval and processing. awk is structured in pattern {action} statements. e.g., awk '{print $2 \t $1}' text.txt: prints the 2nd and 1st column of data in text.txt
    • FNR: Filter specific rows, for example: awk 'FNR==2 {print $2}' prints the second field from the send row.
  • cat: output contents of file to terminal
    • tac: prints file in reverse line order
    • rev: prints file out in reverse character order
  • column [-t -s,]: formats a text file in to columns. May be used with *.csv to display data in a clearer format, and piped through less pager to enable scrolling. E.g., cat data.csv | column -t -s, | less -S.
    • -t: tab separation
    • s<char>: file input separator character <char>
  • cut: Remove or ‘cut-out’ sections of each line of a file or files. For example, file.txt with the following information:
one     two     three   four    five
alpha   beta    gamma   delta   epsilon

May be cut with cut -f (--fields) 2 file.txt. This will produce:

  • date: return the date-time to the standard out. For example: date +"%d-%m-%Y" returned 28-06-2017 when I wrote it just now.

  • echo: print to terminal

  • jq: formats .json files prettily. Pipe in with cat and out to a pager for scrolling.

  • printf: format printed output. For example printf "Name:\t%s\nID:\t%04d\n" "kDubs" "12", where %s is a provided string and %04d is a digit. prints the following:

    Name: kDubs ID: 0012

  • sed: stream editor. Useful for exchanging some data with another. For example, s/str1/str2 substitutes str1 with str2. Specifically, sed s/snow/rain snowforests.txt changes the first instance of ‘snow’ in each line to ‘rain’.

    • global g option - adding g/str1/str2 makes the substitute command global
  • sort: sorts data in a file. Default is to use the first column.

    • options: -n: sorts numeric data, -k#: sorts column number # (default is 1), -u only displays unique rows.
  • tr: translate or delete characters from standard input.

    • e.g., cat text.txt | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]: prints all the lowercase characters in text.txt as uppercase characters.
  • uniq: Filters out matching lines from (standard) input and writes it to (standard) output

Networking Commands

  • ip [-a/addr/address]: list out various network addresses
  • ping: send, receive and time packages to a specific server. For example ping -c 5 sends and receives 5 packets from the nearest server. Then, it produces timing statistics based on that.
  • wget: Download of files from target URL on the web. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols. For example, wget downloads dumbo.csv to the current directory.

Other Useful Commands

  • bash: interpret script file(s) with Bash
  • export: set environmental variable, accessible to sub-processes. E.g., export name=value.
  • imgcat: Like cat but for images. An add-in command
  • read: read user input, e.g., read name stores the next user input in a variable name. The s (silent) option hides the user input, such as for passwords.
  • select: Select options from an array, automatically formatted in a numbered list. For example, select option in "cat" "dog" "bird".


Flags (AKA options) modify Bash commands. There are two syntactical types of flags: short-form and long-form. Short-form flags follow -, may be strung together under one - and are a case-sensitive, single-letter abbreviation of the flag (e.g., -ar for all and recursive). Long-form flags follow -- and may not be strung together (e.g., --all --recursive).

To create a flag in a script use the getopts operator and the following syntax:

while getopts a:u:b: option; do
    case $option in
        u) user=$OPTARG;;
        a) echo "The 'a' option is accompanied by a value: $OPTARG (followed by ':')";;
        b) echo "The 'b' option has no value"
        ?) echo "Option $OPTARG is not valid"

echo "User: $user"

If a : precedes the arguments after getopts (e.g., :a:b:), then any flag may be entered and caught in the case statement with ?).

Standard Input, Standard Output, and Standard Error

What are these

Name What is it? Descriptor
Standard input (stdin) Keyboard input 0
Standard output (stdout) Text on screen 1
Standard error (stderr) Error text on screen 2

Standard Redirect Commands

  • |: piping operator - standard output from left into standard input on right. E.g., cat file1.txt | sort > sorted-file1.txt: lists contents of file1.txt, sorts it and then saves it to a new file sorted-file1.txt
  • >: redirector to file. E.g., echo 'Hello' > hello.txt: redirects the standard output of echo 'Hello' to hello.txt. Note that the simple command > file.txt will zero out file.txt.
    • 1> is implicit if no descriptor is given.
    • &> redirects standard output and error (i.e., 1 & 2)
  • >>: appender to file. E.g., cat file1.txt >> file2.txt: appends the contents of file1.txt to file2.txt
  • <: redirector (right to left). E.g., cat < file1.txt redirects the standard input, file1.txt to the command cat. The standard output is printed to the terminal.

Note, redirects to /dev/null disappear, a place to get rid of output or error.

Wildcards (*, ?)

  • Star Wildcard (*) - Zero or more characters matched. For example:
    • cp * /dir1 copies all files in the CWD to /dir1
    • cp m*.txt /dir1 copies all files in the CWD that start with m to /dir1
  • Question Mark Wildcard (?) - Matches exactly one character. For example: rm ???5 will remove all files in the current directly with 3 characters, followed by a 5.
  • Bracket Wildcard ([]) - Matches one or more characters specified within the brackets. For example: cp *.[jp]* copies all files with extensions starting with j or p. The bracket wild card can handle ranges, such as [a-g]. Very similar to RegEx.


Expansions are Bash devices denoted with ~ or {, and }. They are used to save keystrokes in Unix scripting.

Tilde Expansion

The ~ expansion is commonly used to reference $HOME. Other uses include:

  • ~-: the prior directory

Brace Expansion

Used to fill in multiple parameters for Bash commands. For example

touch file_{1..1000}

creates 1000 files numbered from 1 to 1000. Cool right?


  • ..: Specifies a range. E.g., echo {01..10..} prints 01 03 05 07 09.
  • ;: A command seperator that does not change if the first command has zero exit status.
  • &&: Run the second command only if the first command had non-zero exit status. E.g., true && echo "Things went well" prints Things went well.
  • ||: Run the second command only if the first command had zero exit status. E.g., false || echo "Oops, fail" prints Oops, fail.


Variables may be defined with the following syntax

b="Good Morning"

Note the required lack of space around the equal sign. Common built-in variables:

  • HOME: user home directory
  • PWD: current working directory
  • MACHTYPE: machine type (handy for determining locations of files across platforms)
  • HOSTNAME: system name
  • BASH_VERSION: Bash version
  • SECONDS: number of seconds a Bash session has been running
  • 0: name of the script
  • ?: exit status of last command
  • @: argument array, usually used in a script for-loop. e.g., for f in $@
  • #: number of arguments passed, used in a script like "There were $# arguments."

Adding attributes to variables

With the declare command, some useful attributes may be added to variables:

  • -i: variable is an integer. E.g., declare -i d=123
  • -r: variable is an read-only. E.g., declare -r e=456
  • -l: variable is lowercase. E.g, declare -l f=LOLCatz #lolcatz
  • -u: variable is uppercase.

Command Substitution

Command substitution executes a command and returns the standard output. It allows the result of commands to be saved as variables. The basic syntax is:

x=$(cmd) # backticks also work: `cmd`

Where cmd is a Bash command.

Arithmetic Operations

Integer arithmetic may be performed in bash with $((arithmetic)). For example:

echo x

Prints 3 to the console. Bash supports 6 standard arithmetic operations: exponentiation - **, multiplication - *, division - /, modulo - %, addition - + and subtraction - -. Also, variable arithmetic supports increment and decrement operators, ++ and --. For example:

echo x #prints 4

Additionally, plus-equals operators are supported:

  • +=: add right integer to left variable and save variable, e.g., ((e+=5))
  • -=: subtract right integer from left variable and save variable
  • *=: multiply right integer into left variable and save variable
  • /=: divide right integer into left variable and save variable

For floating point arithmetic, check out the bc tool

String Manipulation

  • Concatenation - done simply by combining string variables. If there is spaces in the new string, "" are required.
c="$a $b"
  • Length (#) - calculate the length of a string. For example echo ${#a} prints 5.
  • Replacement - replace the first matching pattern with a replacement string using the following notation: ${string_var/pattern/replacement} where string_var is a pre-defined string variable. There are some options to place before pattern:
    • //: double slash before the pattern replaces all strings matching the pattern, rather than the first instance.
    • #: replaces pattern only if it is the start of the string
    • %: replaces pattern only if it is the end of the string
    • *: matching wildcard
  • Substrings (:) - returns a substring to standard output. The first (and required) integer argument specifies the starting position. A second : and integer the number of characters past the start to return. For example:
echo $d

returns lowo. Further, negative numbers specify starting character from the back of the string. For example :

e=${c: -4:3}
echo $e

returns orl (Note: the required space between : and -).


Arrays are denoted with parentheses as follows: a=("apple" "banana" "orange"). Note the lack of commas in between elements. Elements may be accessed with zero-based index notation such as ${a[2]} returns orange. Note the use of { and }.

  • +=: Add an element to the end of an array. For example, a+="mango"
  • @: Access all elements of an array. For example, echo ${a[@]} prints all element of the the a array. Without this option, only the first element is printed.
  • Subset arrays with ... ${a[@]:s:e}, where s and e are integers denoting staring and ending points. e may be omitted and the subset include all the remaining elements.
  • -1: Access elements in backwards order, similar to string manipulation in Bash. For example, echo ${a[@]: -1} prints mango (note required space between : and -).

Associative Elements

In Bash 4+, key-value elements may be added to arrays. For example:

declare -A myarray
myarray["office building"]="HQ West"
echo ${myarray["office building"]} is ${myarray[color]}

Navigation and Editing Shortcuts

  • Ctrl+a: start of line
  • Ctrl+e: end of line
  • Ctrl+Left-Arrow - Move backward a word (or Meta + b)
  • Ctrl+Right-Arrow - Move forward a word (or Meta + f)
  • Ctrl+u: deletes from the cursor to the beginning of the line
  • Ctrl+k: deletes from the cursor to the end of the line
  • Ctrl+w: deletes from the cursor to the beginning of the start of the last word.
  • Ctrl+Shift+c: copy to clipboard (note addition of ‘Shift’)

File Permissions

The textual representation of file permission is 10 digits long, as my be seen with ls -l command and may look like

  • Symbols in position 0 are the file type. d indicates directory, l for link and - for general file.

The following 9 positions contain three permission types per user type: r for readable, w for writable and x for executable, in that order. - indicates the user does not have this permission type.

  • Symbols in position 1 to 3 (rwx) are permissions for the owner of the file.
  • Symbols in position 4 to 6 (r--) are permissions for the group that the owner belongs to.
  • Symbols in position 7 to 9 (r--) are permissions for others.

File Browsing and Editing

  • head: view the first few lines of a file
  • tail: view the last few lines of a file

There are at least two methods for viewing file contents, other than the simple cat command: more and less

more Command

Displays as much of files contents in the open terminal window, then holds for user input. space pages down but there is no ‘page-up’ command other than scrolling back in the terminal window.

Instead use…

less Command: less is more

Displays a files contents on the screen until no more space remains. It has the extended capability of forward and backward navigations, unlike more. The following are shortcut commands for the terminal viewer less. Notably, manual pages are viewed with less.

  • f: forward
  • b: back
  • q: quit
  • h: help

nano: terminal text editor

A commandline text editor (that I happen to never use in favor of vim). nano 'file.txt': opens file.txt for editing

vim: vi-improved

A command-line text editor with more traditional features than nano. It has two modes: insert and command modes.

Insert Mode

  • a: enter Insert Mode once character over from cursor
  • o: enter Insert Mode in new line below cursor.
  • i: enter Insert Mode
  • shift + i: insert at the beginning of the line
  • Esc: exit insert mode


  • Shift + Right: move right one word
  • Shift + Left: move left one word
  • Shift + g: move cursor to bottom of file
  • gg: move cursor to the top of the file
  • j: Jump forward one line.
  • k: Jump backward one line.
  • 0/^: move to the beginning of the line
  • $: move to the end of the line
  • n: next match in search
  • (: back one sentence (requires shift)
  • ): forward one sentence (requires shift)
  • /: search


  • p: paste after cursor
  • P: paste before cursor
  • Ctrl-R: redo
  • u: undo
  • v: select multiple characters
  • x,X: delete character under, before cursor
  • y: copy (‘yank’) selected characters
  • d: cut/delete character
  • dd: cut/delete row
  • dW: delete word


  • set number: display line numbers
  • syntax on/off: turn on/off syntax highlighting

Writing and Exiting

Writing and commands require : and may be strung together (much like Unix command options).

  • :w: write. An optional filename may be included to save as a new file.
  • :q: quit, add ! to force quit without saving.

User Profiles

The user may access ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_rc files to make unique adaptations to their bash profile.

  • Aliases - set alias commands for other commonly used commands
    • e.g., alias pd='pwd'
    • e.g., export USER='Kirkwood Paul Donavin'
  • $PATH: lists directories that the command line may use for scripts

Environmental Variables

All environmental variables may be displayed with env or individually with echo $VARIABLE_NAME.

  • PS1: Prompt String One, controls the prompt in the terminal the displays each line before commands.
  • USER: The user who is logged in

Bash Scripting

Bash scripts begin with a Shebang line (AKA Hashbang), this line followed by the type tells the how to interpret the file. For example,

# ! /bin/bash

Tells the shell this script may be interpreted with bin/bash. Or, for a python script.

# ! /usr/bin/env python

Tells a Unix based system that this is a python file.

Control Structures

Keywords that control flow and iterate

Value Comparison (test)

Bash compares values with the test command (or between double comparison brackets, [[ EXPRESSION ]]). It is important to keep spaces between the double brackets and the EXPRESSION. These set the $? env variable to 0 if the comparison inside the brackets is true, and set it to 1 otherwise. The syntax is as follows:

[[ $VAR_A == $VAR_B ]]
echo $? #0 - note that $? is the 'most recent exit status of the foreground pipeline' ... whatever the means.

The following operators may be used to compare any 2 values:

  • <: less than, e.g., [[ 'a' < 'b' ]] returns 0 for true
  • >: greater than
  • <=: greater than or equal to
  • >=: less than or equal to
  • == (or =) - equal to
  • !=: not equal to

String Comparisons

Here is an example of a string test:

STR_A='hello world'
STR_B='Hello World'
test $STR_A = $STR_B && echo “true” || echo “false”

There are a few additional operators that may be used to compare strings or evaluate

  • =~: contains a regular expression pattern. For example, [[ 'My 1st String' =~ [0-9]+ ]] returns 0 for true
  • Standard ‘double’ logical operators include &&, || and ! as in [[ ! $a ]] && echo 'true' || echo 'false'. This will echo 'true' if $a does not exist.
  • -z: Test for null value
  • -n: Non-null value
[[ -z $a && -n $b ]]; echo $? #prints 0

Integer Comparison

If the user compares integers with the string comparators, they do not behave as one would expect because they are treated as strings. Instead, integer values may be compared with the following values:

  • [[ $a -lt ]]: a less than b
  • [[ $a -gt $b ]]: a greater than b
  • [[ $a -le $b ]]: a less than or equal to b
  • [[ $a -ge $b ]]: a greater than or equal to b
  • [[ $a -eq $b ]]: a equal to b
  • [[ $a -ne $b ]]: a not equal to b

Alternatively, the user may use double parenthesis and the usual comparators. For example ((5<6)) returns 0 for true.

if statements

These are analogous to those in other languages and may follow 1 of 4 following syntaxes

  • if expression: basic syntax
  • if [ expression ]: test brackets (note spaces)
  • if [[ expression ]]: extended (new) test brackets (note spaces)
  • if ((expression)): integer comparison (may use standard comparators ==, <=, etc.)

An if-statement may take the following syntax

if expression; then #may also place on next line without ';'
    echo 'True'
elif expression2; then
    echo 'ex is False, e2 is True'
    echo 'Nothing'

while and until Loops

while loops run while a condition is true. until loops run until a condition is true. For instance:

while [ $i -le 10 ]; do
    echo i:$i

prints the numbers 0 through 10, while:

until [ $j -ge 10 ]; do
    echo j:$j

stops at 9. Note that either of these loops can create an infinite loop, so the user should be careful with their logic.

for Loops

For loops iterate over a list of things. The list may be specified by hand such as for i in 1 2 3, or with brace expansion such as:

for i in {1..100..2}; do
    echo i:$i

The syntax is very similar to while and until loops. An alternative syntax is such as the following:

for (( i=1; i<=10; i++ ))
    echo $i

similar to C-style syntax. We may also loop through an array.

arr=("apple" "banana" "cherry")
for i in ${arr[@]}; do #uses parameter expansion
    echo $i

It is also possible to loop through an associative array (Bash 4+).

declare -A arr #declare associated array 'arr'
for i in "${!arr[@]}"; do
    echo "$i: ${arr[$i]}" #quotes used to handle spaces in key and value strings.

Finally, for loops may be used with command substitution. For example,

for i in $(ls); do
    echo "$i"


Case statements may be used to select behavior between a finite number of options. For example,

case $a in 
    cat) echo "Feline";;
    dog|puppy) echo "Canine";;
    *) echo "No Match!";; #catch for no match


Custom script functions may be created in Bash. For example,

function greet {
    echo "Hi, $1! What a nice $2."

$1, $2, … are use to access parameter arguments, up to $9, then use ${10} etc. Alternatively, an arbitrary amount of arguments may be represented with $@. For example

function NumberThings {
    for f in $@; do #for all the input argument
        echo $i: $f

numberthings $(ls) 
numberthings pine birch maple

Argument Expansion Options

  • $1, $2, ...: Numbered function arguments
  • $*: All function arguments

Coloring and Styling Text

Text may be colored with escaped ANSI characters. For example, echo -e '\033[34;42mColor Text\033[0m' produces blue text (‘Color Text’) with a green background. \033[ and m indicate the beginning and end of the ANSI escape sequence. Numbers represent styles or colors, separated by ;. Here is a table of ANSI values for text color:

colored text

colored text

And for style:

styled text

styled text


Another option for formatting that is more verbose, but less horrible to read is tput. Must use command substitution for tput commands. For example, $(tput blink) turns on blink. Here are a list of options:

styled text

styled text

With colors:

styled text

styled text

More commands for tput may be found in the man pages for terminfo.

Here Documents

Bash allows the input of multiple commands into a single standard input. It only requires the use of a limit string to indicate the beginning and end of the argument. For example.

COMMAND <<InputComesFromHERE

Super Users

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Super users have root administrative privileges meaning they can perform any action on the computer. It is bad practice to log in to the root super user account for regular functions (i.e., su root). Use sudo -k to exit super user privileges.

Quotes in Bash

Unlike other languages, Bash interprets different types of quotes in different ways.

  1. no quotes, in which Bash interprets non-escaped special characters and variables
echo $greeting, world \(planet\)
# hello, world (planet)
  1. strong (single) quotes where nothing is interpreted within the single quote.
echo '$greeting, world \(planet\)'
# $greeting, world \(planet\)
  1. weak (double) quotes, where variables are interpreted, special characters are not.
echo "$greeting, world (planet)"
# hello, world
  1. back ticks, execute and replace the output of the command with the result (AKA command substitution). For example, cd `pbpaste` changes directory to that which is stored on the clipboard and accessed with the pbpaste command.


  • ~ used in a directory represents the user’s home directory
    • e.g., ~/.bash_profile
  • . before a filename indicates a hidden file.
    • e.g., .bash_profile
  • cat /etc/*-release on a Linux machine prints out distribution information
  • Red Hat, Fedora and CentOS use dnf package manager


The material in this guide and my understanding of Bash scripting owes much to Scott Simpson’s Learning Bash Scripting course on


A guide to the Born Again SHell language






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