If you have missed the lecture on Aug 29 please take a look at the recording: Aug 29, 2014 recording
To start, fork repository fdac/Assignment1
Connect to your virtual machine
- if using ssh consider creating the following entry in ~/.ssh/config
host da user cosc hostname LocalForward 8888
then simply ssh da
- If using putty, don't forget to save session information so you can load it and connect next time
Clone the repository to your virtual machine
If you have not set these up, please do (replace USERNAME with your own):
git config --global user.name USERNAME git config --global user.email [email protected]
You may also want to set up your credentials to be cashed (in seconds: 3600=1hour)
git config credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'
Set up your default editor (vi is set by default)
git config --global core.editor nano git clone https://[email protected]/USERNAME/Assignment1
You will be asked to enter your github username and password
- Username for 'https://github.com':
- Password for 'https://[email protected]':
Then run
ipython notebook --no-browser
Point your browser (on your laptop or, optionally, on your virtual machine) to http://localhost:8888
Edit/Run the example in the browser to complete the assignment
On the virtual machine commit changes to complete your solution.
(you may need to press <ctrl-C> to kill ipython notebook that was running)
cd ~/Assignment1 git add --all git commit
Now you will get from shell into editor:
- if vi: type: i your commit comment <ESC> ZZ
- if nano: your commit comment <ctrl-X> Y (to save changes) to confirm the file name
Now back in the shell
Push/sync the changes to GitHub.
git push
At https://github.com/USERNAME/Assignment1 Create a pull request on the original repository fdac/Assignment1 to turn in the assignment.