Robustness, light weight, easy to use, support most of scheme's features and functionalities.
Implemented a scheme intepreter by python, support scheme language' features like lambda, define function in current frame, bind variables in frame arithmic and logic operations, quote, begin make new frame, conditional branch, do mu form)
The main implementation is done by using read-evaluate-apply loop, parsing user's input string into a abstract syntax tree, passing the tree to different functions to implementing scheme's special forms.
Using high order function, recurrision, tail recurrision and data structures like tree and linked list to optimize the performance of codes.
Pass the autotester of Berkley's autograde test framework, gain a descent grade.
Read: Parsing user input(a String of Scheme code)
Eval: This step evaluates Scheme expressions (represented in Python) to obtain values.
Print: This step prints the str representation of the obtained value.
The interpreter can evaluate the expression in an input file by passing the file name as a command-line argument.
The interpreter is case-insensitive.
Turtle Graphics
Including procedure calls to the Python turtle package.
To start an interactive session:
To evaluate the expressions in an input file by passing the file name as a command-line argument to
python3 fileName.scm
To exit the Scheme interpreter:
scm> (exit)
UCB's cs61a team and Kechen Liu
Auther: Kechen Liu
Email: [email protected]
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