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This is a react router without flux and redux.
We just want a simple way to build a Single Page Application.
Define rules that include the component and how to fetch data of the each page in a router.


npm install capybara-router --save

Live demo



const React = require('react');
const ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
const {Router, RouterView} = require('capybara-router');
const history = require('history');
const axios = require('axios');

const ErrorPage = props => {
  return <h2 className="text-center">{`${props.error}`}</h2>;
const Home = props => {
  return <h2>Home</h2>;

const router = new Router({
  history: history.createBrowserHistory(),
  routes: [
      name: 'web',
      uri: '/',
      onEnter: props => {
        document.title = 'Home';
      resolve: {
        data: params => axios({
          method: 'get',
          url: `/data/${}.json`
        }).then(response =>
      component: Home
  errorComponent: ErrorPage

const element = (
    <div className="text-center text-muted py-5">
      <div className="spinner-border">
        <span className="sr-only">Loading...</span>
ReactDOM.render(element, document.getElementById('root'));


  • npm start
    Run the debug server on localhost:8000/capybara-router.
  • npm run build
    Build the example app.
  • npm test
    Build test scripts and run tests.



Generate a instance of Router with your config.
Just allow single instance in your application.

const {Router} = require('capybara-router');
const axios = require('axios');
const history = require('history');

const router = new Router({
  history: history.createBrowserHistory(),
  routes: [
      name: 'web',
      uri: '/',
      isAbstract: false,
      onEnter: props => {
        document.title = 'Web';
      resolve: {
        data: axios({
          method: 'get',
          url: '/data.json'
        }).then(response =>
      component: props => (<p>{JSON.stringify(}</p>)
  errorComponent: props => (<h2>Error</h2>)

Parameter options.history

Type: Object
Required: required
Please provide history object.

Parameter options.errorComponent

Type: Object
Required: required
The React component for the error page.

Parameter options.routes

Type: Array<Object>
Required: required

Parameter options.routes[].name

Type: String
Required: required
The name of this route.
Use . to make the child route.
Such as web, web.project, web.project.members.

Parameter options.routes[].uri

Type: String
Required: required
The URI of this route.
It support the regular expression.
/users/{userId:[\\w-]{20}} will parse the user id from URL.
.* will match all URL. Use it to define the 404 page.

Parameter options.routes[].isAbstract

Type: Boolean
Default: false
The URI of this route.
An abstract state can have child states but cannot get activated itself. An 'abstract' state is simply a state that can't be transitioned to.

Parameter options.routes[].onEnter

Type: Function (props) => {}
Required: optional
capybara-route will call this function before the component.

Parameter options.routes[].resolve

Type: Object
Required: optional
Define how to fetch data.

Parameter options.routes[].component

Type: Object
Required: optional
The React component.

Parameter options.routes[].loadComponent

Type: Function
Required: optional
The lazy loading function.
Run the lazy loading function when the .component is null.

  name: 'web',
  uri: '/path',
  loadComponent: () => import(
    /* webpackChunkName: "chunk-name" */


Reload the root router view.

go(target, options = {})

Push a state to the history or Replace a state of the history.
If the new URI and the old one are same, it will reload the current page.

Parameter target

Type: String|Object
Required: required
The destination.
String: The target is the URI.

  name: {String},  // The route name.
  params: {Object} // The parameter of the route.

Parameter options

Type: Object
Required: optional

Parameter options.replace

Type: Boolean
Default: false
Replace the current state with the new one.

Parameter options.reload

Type: Boolean
Default: false
Reload the root router view.

listen(event, callback)

Listen the change event.

Parameter event

Type: String
The event type.
ChangeStart, ChangeSuccess, ChangeError

Parameter callback

Type: Function
The callback function.
ChangeStart: (action, toState, fromState, next) => {}
ChangeSuccess: (action, toState, fromState) => {}
ChangeError: (error) => {}


Type: Function
Call this function to stop the listen.


Render the error component.

Parameter error

Type: Object
The Error object.


Get the current route via router.history and router.routes.


Type: Route


Find the route by the route name.

Parameter name

Type: String
The route name.


Type: Route


When the instance of Router was created.
This function returns the instance.

const {getRouter} = require('capybara-router');
// new Router({ ... });
const router = getRouter();



The router will replace the loading view with the page component.

const {RouterView} = require('capybara-router');
  <p className="text-center text-muted h3" style={{padding: '20px 0'}}>
    <i className="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-fw"></i> Loading...


Render a SPA link element.

const {Link} = require('capybara-router');
<Link to={`/users/${}`}>{}</Link>
<Link to={{name: 'route-name', params: {paramKey: 'value'}}}>link</Link>

Which sites are using capybara-router?