- Categorize hip-hop songs and artists by lyrical content and prosodic style.
Notebook Order:
- data_collection -> preprocessing -> topic_modeling -> clustering
- webapp folder contains files for flask deployment including Tableau dashboard embedding
Data Sources:
Artist List: “List of hip hop musicians”, Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hip_hop_musicians
Artist and Song Metadata: Genius API https://api.genius.com/
Song Lyrics: Genius.com web scrape (API doesn’t support lyric requests)
- Data Collection
- Scrape wikipedia for artist names
- Genius API requests for top N songs by each artist
- Genius.com scrape for lyrics to each song
- Preprocessing
- Clean and tokenize text
- Generate TF-IDF matrix
- Calculate unique word and syllable rates
- Analysis
- Topic Modeling
- NMF Topic Modeling to create semantic categories
- Combine with unique word and syllabic information and apply KMeans clustering
- Aggregate artists’ song categorizations to characterize their style
- Deployment
- Recommender flask application
- Tableau visualization
Link to Tableau Public Workbook: