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feat: support typescript (nhn#108)
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* feat: support typescript

* fix: incorrect jsdoc

* chore: apply feedback

* chore: fix any type

* chore: add script for tslint

* chore: remove unnecessary comment
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jungeun-cho authored and jinwoo-kim-nhn committed Jan 9, 2019
1 parent 72a1699 commit 23ae046
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Showing 9 changed files with 853 additions and 17 deletions.
292 changes: 292 additions & 0 deletions index.d.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
// Type definitions for TOAST UI Image Editor v3.3.0
// TypeScript Version: 3.2.2

/// <reference types="jquery" />

type AngleType = number;

interface IThemeConfig {
''?: string;
'common.bisize.width'?: string;
'common.bisize.height'?: string;
'common.backgroundImage'?: string;
'common.backgroundColor'?: string;
'common.border'?: string;
'header.backgroundImage'?: string;
'header.backgroundColor'?: string;
'header.border'?: string;
'loadButton.backgroundColor'?: string;
'loadButton.border'?: string;
'loadButton.color'?: string;
'loadButton.fontFamily'?: string;
'loadButton.fontSize'?: string;
'downloadButton.backgroundColor'?: string;
'downloadButton.border'?: string;
'downloadButton.color'?: string;
'downloadButton.fontFamily'?: string;
'downloadButton.fontSize'?: string;
'menu.normalIcon.path'?: string;
''?: string;
'menu.activeIcon.path'?: string;
''?: string;
'menu.iconSize.width'?: string;
'menu.iconSize.height'?: string;
'submenu.backgroundColor'?: string;
'submenu.partition.color'?: string;
'submenu.normalIcon.path'?: string;
''?: string;
'submenu.activeIcon.path'?: string;
''?: string;
'submenu.iconSize.width'?: string;
'submenu.iconSize.height'?: string;
'submenu.normalLabel.color'?: string;
'submenu.normalLabel.fontWeight'?: string;
'submenu.activeLabel.color'?: string;
'submenu.activeLabel.fontWeight'?: string;
'checkbox.border'?: string;
'checkbox.backgroundColor'?: string;
'range.pointer.color'?: string;
''?: string;
'range.subbar.color'?: string;
'range.value.color'?: string;
'range.value.fontWeight'?: string;
'range.value.fontSize'?: string;
'range.value.border'?: string;
'range.value.backgroundColor'?: string;
'range.title.color'?: string;
'range.title.fontWeight'?: string;
'colorpicker.button.border'?: string;
'colorpicker.title.color'?: string;

interface IIconInfo {
[propName: string]: string;

interface IIconOptions {
fill?: string;
left?: number;
top?: number;

interface IShapeOptions {
fill?: string;
stroke?: string;
strokeWidth?: number;
width?: number;
height?: number;
rx?: number;
ry?: number;
left?: number;
top?: number;
isRegular?: boolean;

interface IGenerateTextOptions {
styles?: ITextStyleConfig;
position?: {
x: number;
y: number;

interface ITextStyleConfig {
fill?: string;
fontFamily?: string;
fontSize?: number;
fontStyle?: string;
fontWeight?: string;
textAlign?: string;
textDecoration?: string;

interface IRectConfig {
left: number;
top: number;
width: number;
height: number;

interface ICanvasSize {
width: number;
height: number;

interface IBrushOptions {
width: number;
color: string;

interface IPositionConfig {
x: number;
y: number;
originX: string;
originY: string;

interface IToDataURLOptions {
format?: string;
quality?: number;
multiplier?: number;
left?: number;
top?: number;
width?: number;
height?: number;

interface IGraphicObjectProps {
id?: number;
type?: string;
text?: string;
left?: string | number;
top?: string | number;
width?: string | number;
height?: string | number;
fill?: string;
stroke?: string;
strokeWidth?: string | number;
fontFamily?: string;
fontSize?: number;
fontStyle?: string;
fontWeight?: string;
textAlign?: string;
textDecoration?: string;
opacity?: number;
[propName: string]: number | string | boolean;

interface IIncludeUIOptions {
loadImage?: {
path: string;
name: string;
theme?: IThemeConfig;
menu?: string[];
initMenu?: string;
uiSize?: {
width: string;
height: string;
menuBarPosition?: string;

interface ISelectionStyleConfig {
cornerStyle?: string;
cornerSize?: number;
cornerColor?: string;
cornerStrokeColor?: string;
transparentCorners?: boolean;
lineWidth?: number;
borderColor?: string;
rotatingPointOffset?: number;

interface IObjectProps { // icon, shape
fill: string;
height: number;
id: number;
left: number;
opacity: number;
stroke: string | null;
strokeWidth: number | null;
top: number;
type: string;
width: number;

interface ITextObjectProps extends IObjectProps {
fontFamily: string;
fontSize: string;
fontStyle: string;
text: string;
textAlign: string;
textDecoration: string;

interface IFilterResolveObject {
type: string;
action: string;

interface ICropResolveObject {
oldWidth: number;
oldHeight: number;
newWidth: number;
newHeight: number;

interface IFlipXYResolveObject {
flipX: boolean;
flipY: boolean;
angle: AngleType;

interface IOptions {
includeUI?: IIncludeUIOptions;
cssMaxWidth?: number;
cssMaxHeight?: number;
usageStatistics?: boolean;
selectionStyle?: ISelectionStyleConfig;

declare class ImageEditor {
constructor(wrapper: string | JQuery | Element, options: IOptions);

public addIcon(type: string, options?: IIconOptions): Promise<IObjectProps>;
public addImageObject(imgUrl: string): Promise<void>;
public addShape(type: string, options?: IShapeOptions): Promise<IObjectProps>;
public addText(text: string, options?: IGenerateTextOptions): Promise<ITextObjectProps>;
public applyFilter(type: string, options?: {
maskObjId: number
}): Promise<IFilterResolveObject>;
public changeCursor(cursorType: string): void;
public changeIconColor(id: number, color: string): Promise<void>;
public changeSelectableAll(selectable: boolean): void;
public changeShape(id: number, options?: IShapeOptions): Promise<void>;
public changeText(id: number, text?: string): Promise<void>;
public changeTextStyle(id: number, styleObj: ITextStyleConfig): Promise<void>;
public clearObjects(): Promise<void>;
public clearRedoStack(): void;
public clearUndoStack(): void;
public crop(rect: IRectConfig): Promise<ICropResolveObject>;
public deactivateAll(): void;
public destroy(): void;
public discardSelection(): void;
public flipX(): Promise<IFlipXYResolveObject>;
public flipY(): Promise<IFlipXYResolveObject>;
public getCanvasSize(): ICanvasSize;
public getCropzoneRect(): IRectConfig;
public getDrawingMode(): string;
public getImageName(): string;
public getObjectPosition(id: number, originX: string, originY: string): ICanvasSize;
public getObjectProperties(id: number, keys: string | string[] | IGraphicObjectProps): IGraphicObjectProps;
public hasFilter(type: string): boolean;
public isEmptyRedoStack(): boolean;
public isEmptyUndoStack(): boolean;
public loadImageFromFile(imgFile: File, imageName?: string): Promise<ICropResolveObject>;
public loadImageFromURL(url: string, imageName?: string): Promise<ICropResolveObject>;
public redo(): Promise<any>;
public registerIcons(infos: IIconInfo): void;
public removeActiveObject(): void;
public removeFilter(type?: string): Promise<IFilterResolveObject>;
public removeObject(id: number): Promise<void>;
public resetFlip(): Promise<IFlipXYResolveObject>;
public resizeCanvasDemension(dimension: ICanvasSize): Promise<void>;
public rotate(angle: AngleType): Promise<AngleType>;
public setAngle(angle: AngleType): Promise<AngleType>;
public setBrush(option: IBrushOptions): void;
public setCropzoneRect(mode?: number): void;
public setDrawingShape(type: string, options?: IShapeOptions): void;
public setObjectPosition(id: number, posInfo?: IPositionConfig): Promise<void>;
public setObjectProperties(id: number, keyValue?: IGraphicObjectProps): Promise<void>;
public setObjectPropertiesQuietly(id: number, keyValue?: IGraphicObjectProps): Promise<void>;
public startDrawingMode(mode: string, option?: {width?: number, color?: string}): boolean;
public stopDrawingMode(): void;
public toDataURL(options?: IToDataURLOptions): string;
public undo(): Promise<any>;
public on(eventName: string, handler: (...args: any[]) => void): void;

declare module 'tui-image-editor' {
export = ImageEditor;

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