- Preparation:
- Focus on current database for now
- Feature Evaluation:
- PCA → find the good features (Kenny)
- Heatmap (Akshay)
- Balanced Data / Training Data prep:
- 3-Way cross validation
- SMOTE (Pratik)
- Supervised:
- RF, DT (Akshay)
- Unsupervised:
- GMM, DBSCAN, Multiple Component Multivariate GMM (Pratik)
convert string to numeric (S)
normalized the data ()
features explaination
- Etherscan column verification: confirm data with etherscan (Currently all values are 0)
- ERC20 min val sent contract
- ERC20 max val sent contract
- ERC20 avg val sent contract
- ERC20 avg time between sent tnx
- ERC20 avg time between rec tnx
- ERC20 avg time between rec 2 tnx
- ERC20 avg time between contract tnx