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Releases: kexquake/addons

Dwell v1

10 Sep 21:07
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  • Four Episodes featuring varied and unique themes.
  • 4 custom bosses, one for each episode.
  • Brand new monsters to face, including many returning from other Quake worlds.
  • New weapons to hunt down and utilize.
  • Complete custom soundtrack by Alekswithak.
  • Support for up to 4 player co-op.
  • Episodic release - Get it while it's hot!

Following the destruction of the hideous Shub-Niggurath, you scoured infinite dimensions, a guardian against her deep-rooted rot. Decades passed, and with the whispers slowly subsiding, you were finally laid to rest. A shallow, fitful slumber awaited you for the rest of your days. That was until now. Being rustled from your rest, the voices whisper yet again. A new god has tangled its tendrils in your reality, constructing legions to its side to reanimate their respective long-dead gods, elements of life itself taken and twisted to their will, all in the hope he shall return to a physical form to consume yet another reality. You must yet again become the guardian, to take down what dwells beneath... More Info...


v1: Initial Release

Alkaline v1

08 Sep 02:51
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Alkaline is a Quake 1 mod & map pack, based on Rubicon 2 by metlslime.
Alkaline greatly expands the enemy roster & adds additional weapons and features.

Some of these additons include the following:

  • The additional Base enemies from the Rubicon Rumble Pack
  • Many enemies and elements from Malice
  • The Mega Enforcer & chainsaw from Zerstörer
  • The Super Enforcer (aka "Lieutenant") from Backwards Compatible
  • The Drone from Operation: Urth Majik
  • Enemies and a weapon from the expansion pack, Scourge of Armagon
  • An enemy from from the expansion pack, Dissolution of Eternity
  • The plasma rifle from Iikka "Fingers" Keränen's IKGuns
  • Features from Copper, progs_dump, and other open source mods
  • MANY original features from the Alkaline crew

The bulk of these elements have been retextured and modified to ensure uniformity
and balance throughout the mod. Additionally, many elements have been fixed and
altered in code to remove bugs/errors and/or to enhance gameplay. More Info...


v1: Initial Release

Team Fortress v1

06 Sep 06:16
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Team Fortress is a revolutionary team and class based multiplayer first person shooter mod for Quake. It is responsible for a new genre of online gaming. It's many innovations include:

  • Eight different player classes each filling a gameplay niche.
  • Timed grenades as a secondary method of attack in addition to the selected weapon.
  • Extremely fast movement, enhanced through widespread use of bunny-hopping.
  • Building of structures such as sentry guns and ammo dispensers.
  • Destructible environments.

The online clan scene of the late nineties can be viewed as the genesis of modern day e-sports. More Info...


v1: Initial Release

Copper v1

06 Sep 06:07
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Copper is meant to be "Vanilla+", targeted at being a drop-in improvement to stock /id1/ gameplay and an equally suitable basis for new mods. It neither adds nor replaces any items, weapons, or monsters. It is not intended to be a kitchen-sink supermod like Quoth or Arcane Dimensions, nor move Quake towards a new vision other than what it already is trying to be. More Info...


v1: Initial Release

X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse v2

06 Sep 01:06
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X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse is an original, first-person X-Men game using the Quake engine. X-Men: ROA is a "total conversion", a game that relies on another game's engine, but changes every other aspect including story, locations, characters, weapons, display and interface. More Info...


v2: Added Soundtrack
v1: Initial Release

X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse v1

04 Sep 02:50
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X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse is an original, first-person X-Men game using the Quake engine. X-Men: ROA is a "total conversion", a game that relies on another game's engine, but changes every other aspect including story, locations, characters, weapons, display and interface. More Info...


v1: Initial Release

Arcane Dimensions v1

04 Sep 14:31
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30+ richly detailed and uniquely themed environments to explore and a whole new army of monsters to test your skill and reflexes along the way. The beginning of the mod is full of portals in all directions that are visually themed by what lies beyond their black star veils. There is no fixed order or preferred path to how you explore this mod, the choice is yours. More Info...


v1: Initial Release