Generate OS patch facts for Ansible
The script
provides a single line of output to /etc/ansible/facts.d/os_patch_status.fact
This script should be run via cron, so that the content is present on the system at time of fact gathering, rather than be used as an executable fact, since querying the OS for patch status can take 2-10s.
eol: This denotes whether the reported distro is EOL (end of life). EOL denotes that updates are no longer available.
errata_support: This denotes whether the host distribution offers a mechanism to discern security patches from bugfixes. Notably, CentOS does not provide this capability for it's main repos, only EPEL.
security_updates: This is the numeric count of outstanding security patches to be applied.
all_updates: This is the numeric count of all outstanding updates, both security and bugfix.
os_updates_broken: We attempt to catch cases where the OS patch reporting processes are not functional (eg, a broken repo gumming up the works), and report it so that it can be fixed.
needs_reboot: Use OS tools to determine if the host needs to be rebooted in order to load patched kernel, libraries, or services.
uptime_days Determine days of uptime as a whole number based on uptime seconds in /proc/uptime. Uptimes under 23h59m59s reported as 0 days up.
date_collected: The ISO-8601 date/time of the last collection.
"ansible_local": {
"os_patch_status": {
"all_updates": "9",
"date_collected": "2021-06-21T18:30-04:00",
"eol": "false",
"errata_support": "true",
"os_updates_broken": "false",
"needs_reboot": "false",
"security_updates": "0",
"uptime_days": "0"