CIS 192 S18 Final Project, by Valencia and Arun
Calculates and visualizes various similarity metrics between two pieces of text: Hamming distance, Euclidian distance, Manhattan distance, and "meaning" distance (calculated using non-stopword vector embeddings).
The custom class, SenLen
, is found in
and handles string manipulation logic. Magic methods for operators are used to perform computations. There is also a method that returns the maximum sentence length from two sentences given as arguments.
We use the modules math
, flask
, numpy
, nltk
, and gensim
(Python implementation of Word2Vec model).
We use a decorator for the /
route and its methods GET and POST.
To run the server, install the packages listed above and run
Type two sentences into in input areas and click 'Go!' to visualize the similarity between them. You can hover over the bar graph visualization to view exact percentages for similarity.
The Flask server is instantiated and served in
. In addition, we developed a DistanceCalculator
class that
computes distance calculations and sends the similarities to the Flask template rendering.
Traditional string manipulation technique implementations are in
which we import
. These include
Hamming distance, Euclidian distance, and Manhattan distance. To determine similarity, these distances are computed and then
divided by the length of the larger string in order to yield a value between 0 and 1. Finally, we take the compliment of this value to
represent the similarity. In
, we also implemented a class named SenLen
to handle certain string manipulation logic—namely padding strings in case of differing lengths. We use magic methods to handle comparisons.
The "meaning" distance heuristic is implemented in
and is imported into
. First, we remove all stopwords from
the input (e.g. words like "the" and "for" that yield no meaning) using the nltk
package (English).
We use the word2vec model implemented in the gensim
package to generate word embeddings (numpy vectors). The model is currently
trained on a corpus of Barack Obama's speeches (Donald Trump's speeches were getting a bit out of hand). Then, we
average the vectors to determine a centralized meaning for the phrase. Finally, we calculate the distance between the two vectors
by normalizing each vector and computing the cosine distance.