643 commits
to knulli-main
since this release
KNULLI is a custom firmware for retro gaming devices (handhelds, bartops, etc.). It's developed as a fork of Batocera. You can read more about knulli on its webpage
- Download the latest version of KNULLI.
- Write the image (e.g. knulli-h700-rg35xx-plus-40-20240530.img.gz) to an SDCARD using an imaging tool. Common imaging tools include Balena Etcher, Raspberry Pi Imager, and Win32 Disk Imager. If you're skilled with the command line, dd works fine too.
- You can read more about in the wiki
- If you have a previous version or KNULLI for the RG35XX PLUS/H/2024 or if you have Batocera V40 20240306, you can update
- Follow the instructions from the wiki
Installation Package Downloads
Device | Date | Download Page |
RG35XX PLUS/H/2024/SP | 2024/05/30 | knulli-h700-rg35xx-plus-40-20240530.img.gz |
TrimUI Smart Pro | 2024/05/17 | knulli-a133-trimui-smart-pro-40-20240517.img.gz |
Anbernic RG28xx | 2024/05/09 | knulli-h700-rg28xx-40-20240509.img.gz |
- First public release for the RG35XX Plus/H/2024 and SP (hinge support is not there yet)
- Fixed issue with progressbar application that was not stopping after boot
- Set default overclock to 1.5GHz for the H700 platforms (same as stock). All other values are "underclocks"
- Set HDMI frequency to 60Hz for TV compatiblity (thanks @loki666)
- Set initial set of drastic mappings
- Fixed incorrect Drastic menu mappings (thanks @Mikhailzrick)
- Reverted retroarch back to use mali_fbdev context driver. This fixes performance issues as well as a memory leak that was impacting several emulators like SNES, GBA, etc and causing audio stuttering and crashes
- Changed S12populateShare to default to KNULLI version
- Bumped rtl8812au to fix bluetooth issues, included BT audio (thanks @Nerdy-boi)
- Updated Art Book Next (thanks @anthonycaccese )
- Added additional fixes to tate mode by @Mikhailzrick
- First TrimUI Smart Pro (TSP) public version (TSP)
- Added joystick calibration: (tSP)
- calibration files are taken from stock (there's no current calibration program)
- If the default calibration does not work for you, you can start stock, calibrate the joysticks, connect via ssh or adb, and copy the files
from /mnt/UDISK. Then in Knulli, use ADB or SSH to copy those files to /mnt/UDISK, and runbatocera-save-overlay
to make the change permanent
- Added boot progress bar support
- Added force shutdown shortcut for TSP (Menu + Power) (TSP)
- Added proper TSP control map for ES (TSP)
- Updated os-release information to include OS_NAME, OS_DATE, OS_VERSION
- Added PortMaster Installer (Launch from Ports) (Thanks @kloptops) (TSP)
- Updated art-book-next theme (thanks @anthonycaccese )
- Added MAME & FBNEO tate rotation mode (thanks @Mikhailzrick)
- Restored PCSX rearmed enhanced resolution (thanks @Mikhailzrick)
- First rg28xx version (rg28xx)
- Added rotation SDL2 patch thanks to @JohnnyonFlame (rg28xx)
- Fixed minor graphical artifacts during boot time
- SHARE partition is in EXT4 format by default. You can use the internal format tool to change it to EXFAT (Settings -> System * Settings -> Frontend Developer Options -> Format a Disk)
- Added FBAlpha, melonDS, melonDS DS, VirtualJaguar, GenesisPlusGX_Wide, Beetle PCE, Mesen, Mesens, and BSNES
- Fixed a mistake with the bootloader being overwritten during early boot (rg28xx)
- Added initial progressbar status support
- Added retroarch A/B keys mapping to match ES behavior (thanks @Mikhailzrick)
Known Issues:
RG35xx Plus/H/2024/SP:
- Hinge is not working on the SP yet, you can press power to suspend/resume instead
- Drastic still shows FPS information
- Controls need to be remapped after the first boot (go to
->Controller & BT Settings
->Controller Mapping
and map your controls - HDMI support works well after the console boots, if you boot with the HDMI connected, disconnect/connect the cable after boot
- Internal partition formatting (using ES menu) may not always work
TrimUI Smart Pro:
- Volume control still has some issues
- Volume overlay does not work
- ADB still does not work
- PPSSPP standalone menu does not work
- Progress bar has some artifacts at the end of the boot sequence
- Flycast and Flycastvl cores don't work at this point
- System may default to an under clocked value. Go to Settings -> Overclock, and set it to extreme (1.5GHz that is the standard speed for this device)