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[Moved to GitLab] My Ansible Playbooks

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Lorenzo's Homelab

Set of Ansible playbooks, configuration and scripts for my home setup, developer machines and NAS.


  • Ansible
  • Nomad
  • Consul
  • GNU Make
  • Mozilla SOPS

Important: on macOS / Darwin it will use caffeinate command to prevent the Mac from sleeping while running the playbooks. Read more here

How to Ru## Nomad Workloads

There are some system services/tools needed to run the main services in my homelab. To deploy you need first to install these services by running:

make system/csi-*.job.hcl

Please makesure that NOMAD_ADDR env variable is pointing to the right endpoint

After that you should be able to access nomad.{{ main_domain }} (in my case Check that all the jobs are running correctly and volumes plugins are operational. If all looks good you can create the volumes and deploy the new services:

make services/*.hcl

Et voila!


When creating a new host, you need to encrypt the file accordingly using age. You can get the SSH-to-age key by running:

nix-shell -p ssh-to-age --run "ssh-keyscan ${IP_ADDRESS} | ssh-to-age"

where ${IP_ADDRESS} is the host name/ip address. After adding the key to .sops.yaml file, We can update the files:

find . -type f -name "*.sops.*" -print -exec sops updatekeys {} -y \;

Install on NixOS

Add the following channels, by running these commands as root:

nix-channel --add nixos-hardware
nix-channel --add home-manager
nix-channel --add nixos-unstable
nix-channel --add nixos
nix-channel --update

Copy over the nix configurations:

rsync ./nixos/* nixos@${IP_ADDRESS}:/etc/nixos/

On the new machine start configuring it:

cd /etc/nixos/
cp configuration.example.nix configuration.nix

# Generate hardware config if not present 
nixos-generate-config # [ --no-filesystems ]

# Change, enable, disable and set things up:
vim configuration.nix

# Build the new system on next reboot:
nixos-rebuild boot --upgrade-all

Et voila! on next reboot the homelab node will be ready

After reboot, remember to check that everything is fine, login with Tailscale and restart the daemons if needed:

sudo tailscale up
sudo systemctl restart consul.service nomad.service
sudo journalctl -f -u consul.service -u nomad.service

NixOS generator (iso/images)

Crate a NixOS SD Image by running from nixos directory:

cd nixos
nix build ''


[Moved to GitLab] My Ansible Playbooks





