Raytracer for terminal with ASCII for terminal
- kohkubo
- yaito
[Move Camera] Up: w Down: s Left: a Right: d
[Rotate Camera] Up: i Down: k Left: j Right: l SppedUp: m SpeedDown: n
[Set Light] Up: t Down: g Left: f Right: h Front: y Back: u
[Change Color] Red: 1 Blue: 2 Green: 3 Yellow: 4 Magenta: 5 Cyan: 6 White: 7
[Zoom] In: z Out: x [Pause/Resume] space [Reset] r [Quit] q
- Raytracing
- Draws a polygon based on an obj file
- Conversion from obj file to tri file
- Diffuse and specular reflections by Phong`s model
- Thomas Moyler's triangle crossing algorithm
- Multithread using pthreads
- Specify the ASCII characters to be drawn
- Optimized code (Capable of handling up to thousands of polygons)
- Google Test
- Google Benchmark
- CI with GitHub Actions
- Git Flow
- Coverage Tools