This project is to demonstrate how to configure RabbitMQ using Masstransit and dotnet core 7.0
- Install Dotnet SDK 7.0
- Install Docker Desktop for Windows
- Run the following command to start the RabbitMQ server
docker compose up
- Open the RabbitMQ management console at http://localhost:15672
- Login with the following credentials
username: guest
password: guest
- Run the following command to restore the packages
dotnet restore
- Run the following command to build the project
dotnet build
- Run the following command to run the project
dotnet run
- Open the folder in vscode
- Goto Run and Debug
- Select the Web/worker project and click on the play button
- Open the RabbitMQ management console at http://localhost:15672
- Login with the following credentials
username: guest
password: guest
- Goto Queues and click on the queue name
- launch https://localhost:5026
- Enter the message and click on publish a message
- You should see the message in the integrated terminal
- launch https://localhost:5026
- stop the worker
- Enter the message and click on publish a message
- Click the button again with same message
- You should see the error in web page and console