Devops related code for SRM
The Kubernetes infrastructure is managed as code which is continuously deployed. Helm charts specify the infrastructure components which are then deployed to different environments with different configurations.
Helm charts are under helm/
directory, they are standard helm charts which can be tested locally
using Minikube or any other Kubernetes cluster.
Changes committed to main
branch are synced using ArgoCD to the relevant cluster/namespace as defined here
Chart values are defined as helm value files inside the chart directory:
- default values which should be relevant to any environmentvalues.ENVIRONMENT.yaml
- values relevant only to the specifiedENVIRONMENT
- auto-updated values which are relevant to any
- auto-updated values which are relevant only to the specifiedENVIRONMENT
The different clusters which are used are defined under clusters/.
Docker Compose is used to provide a local environment for development / testing which includes all components.
Pull all the latest images for the apps:
docker-compose pull
(Alternatively, check the image name in docker-compose.yaml and tag an image that you built with that image name.)
docker-compose up -d srm-api kibana
Wait a few seconds for all services to start
- Make a request to Elasticsearch:
curl http://elastic:Aa123456@localhost:9200
- Log-in to Kibana at http://localhost:5601 with username
- Access PostgreSQL:
PGPASSWORD=postgres psql -h localhost -U postgres
- Make a request to SRM API:
curl http://localhost:5000/api/idx/get/foo
(should get a 404 error)
Create .env file
bin/ > .env
Add environment variables for the ETL server (empty secrets will need to be updated with real values):
cat .etl.env >> .env
Generate Google OAuth credentials -
echo GOOGLE_KEY=XXXX >> .env
Start srm-etl
docker-compose up -d srm-etl
Wait a few seconds, then login at http://localhost:15000 (you will be denied)
Set the user as an admin user:
docker-compose exec srm-etl bash -c "python"
- Login with that user at http://localhost:15000
docker-compose up -d srm-frontend
- Access the frontend at http://localhost:4000
Set the following AWS S3 configuration in .env
Create a DB backup:
docker-compose run db-backup