14 commits
to release_v0.5.5
since this release
What's Changed
- support fixed nodePort for virtualcluster apiserver by @lyzuiui in #709
- add revive linter and fix the lint error by @duanmengkk in #708
- Cherry-pick: fix: Modify node IP selection logic by @OrangeBao in #716
- feat: add test for FindFirstNodeIPAddress by @jkgkn in #715
- add some codes for kosmos helm by @yuleichun-striving in #717
- test: add test case for schedule plugin by @qiuming520 in #719
- test:add test case for kubenest util by @qiuwei68 in #720
- test: add testcase for util by @qiuming520 in #723
- test:add some test cases for kosmos by @qiuwei68 in #725
- test: add testcase for clustertree util by @rxy0210 in #724
- fix ci of release by @duanmengkk in #727
- fix ci of release by @duanmengkk in #728
- fix: fix component parmeter config invalid by @zhouhaoA1 in #734
- extend the validity of the vc certificate by @Rambohang in #739
- feat: add some codes for helm deploy by @yuleichun-striving in #742
- feat: add nginx for kubelet by @OrangeBao in #744
- test: add testcase for utils by @qiuming520 in #743
- add unittest for leaf_pv_controller by @duanmengkk in #745
- feat: add probe by @OrangeBao in #747
- fix: Use domain names in etcd parameters and modify the logic for creating SVCs by @OrangeBao in #751
- support node-agent serve port configurable by @Rambohang in #749
- fix: don't update anp eps when api use nodeport by @OrangeBao in #753
- fix: create api-server-external-service by @OrangeBao in #757
- fix ci for release multi-platform images by @duanmengkk in #761
- fix ci for release multi-platform images by @duanmengkk in #764
- fix: enable switch available during cluster join by @ONE7live in #767
- fix: redundant creation of leaf node by @ONE7live in #768
- fix: update kosmosctl to support new version by @ONE7live in #766
- fix: fix kosmos-scheduler reschedule pv's pod by @rxy0210 in #760
- update node-agent Heartbeat by @gao12312 in #771
- fix: add qps and burst by @rxy0210 in #776
- feat: clean up key information by @OrangeBao in #779
- fix: add proxy qps and burst by @rxy0210 in #780
- update vendor for sync rootpodstatus feature from leaf to root by @gao12312 in #782
- sync podstatus from leaf to root when root node from ready to notready by @gao12312 in #770
- feat: implement the functionality of kubeadm reset using a script by @OrangeBao in #783
- cherry-pick: globalnode-lifecycle-controller by @lyzuiui in #785
- cherry-pick: Reduce the size of the node agent image by @OrangeBao in #787
- Cherry-Pick: Fix for the issue where the GlobalNode is in a NotReady state at certain times by @lyzuiui in #794
- cherry-pick: update release branch upload images by @gao12312 in #790
- Cherry-Pick: support lvscare for kubenest by @OrangeBao in #791
- Cherry pick: Add NodeLocalDNS configuration to the kubenest workflow by @lyzuiui in #796
- Cherry-Pick: Fix konnectivity-server endpoint missing issue and optimize cert… by @OrangeBao in #799
- Release v0.5.5 test by @rxy0210 in #802
- cherry-pick: external eps support dualstack and add unittests by @qiuwei68 in #803
- fix: calculate node resources(cherry pick) by @rxy0210 in #806
- feat: replace IP with a local domain name by @OrangeBao in #807
- feat: Obtain IPFamilies through environment variables by @OrangeBao in #811
- cherry-pick: forward compatibility creates svc and endpoint by @qiuwei68 in #815
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.5.4...v0.5.5