Final project for Coursera's Python for Genomics course, offered through Johns Hopkins. Reads a multi-FASTA file and performs operations on extracted data.
- Python 3
- module [-h] <filename>
-h print this message
<filename> the file has to be in FASTA format
This program was developed as a final project for Coursera's Python for Genomics course, offered through Johns Hopkins. I chose to wrap all statistics about the given multi-FASTA file into a class, contained in the module
To create a new instance:
foo = SeqStats(seq_dict)
Note: The variable seq_dict must be formatted such that each key represents a sequence ID, and each value is a list of sequences matching that sequence ID
Upon creation, the SeqStats class automatically calculates some statistics for the given seq_dict, which can be summarized by calling print_seq_stats():
This prints:
- Number of records
- A dictionary of sequence lengths
- The longest sequence length
- The total number of sequences of the longest sequence length
- A list of all sequences with the longest sequence length
- The shortest sequence length
- The total number of sequence of the shortest sequence length
- A list of all sequences with the shortest sequence length
To calculate ORF statistics, invoke the find_orfs() method:
Note: find_orfs() expects an integer of either 1, 2, or 3, to specify the reading frame.
To print ORF statistics based on the current reading frame, use print_orf_stats():
This prints:
- Length of the longest ORF in the file
- Longest ORF sequence in the file
- Sequence ID of longest ORF
To calculate ORF statistics for a particular sequence ID only, enter that sequence ID as an optional second argument:
To print ORF statistics based on the current reading frame for a particular sequence ID only, enter that sequence ID as an optional second argument:
This prints:
- Length of the longest ORF in the given sequence
- Longest ORF in the given sequence
- Starting position in sequence of the longest ORF
To find all repeats of length n in the file, use get_repeats():
Note: get_repeats() expects a positive integer value
To print repeat statistics of length n, use print_repeat_stats(): foo.print_repeat_stats()
This prints:
- A dictionary of all repeats and their frequencies
- A dictionary of the highest repeat frequency and all sequences with this frequency