#Jatri Technical Assessment
This is an API First CRUD package development project for a technical job assessment.
Key Features:
- Full CRUD(Create,Read,Update,Delete) operation defined in a custom package.
- Appending API routes of the custom package to the Laravel 'api/routes.php' file.
Some key points for the code reviewer:
Installation: from the project root directory, run
composer require --prefer-source saifkamal/api-first-crud-package:dev-main
orcomposer require saifkamal/api-first-crud-package:dev-main
which will install the package with the Laravel Application. -
Create a database in your local database GUI(or mysql/postgres) and modify the
files to maintain the right environment variable configurations. -
php artisan migrate
. This will migrate the migration table defined in the package to the database. -
php artisan serve
to run the local web server. -
Go to
to check the index api file.
You can now tinker with the CRUD functionalities.