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This repo has examples of Arista EOS automation using eAPI. This includes devices configuration and devices states validation


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Table of content

About eAPI
About this repository
Repository structure
Basic eAPI tutorial
eAPI advanced demo

About eAPI

eAPI uses JSON-RPC over HTTP.

Using eAPI, an application can send a list of EOS commands (both show commands and configuration commands) to EOS devices.
The devices reply using a JSON representation of the show commands which make devices states programmatic audit easy.

About this repository

This repo has examples of Arista EOS automation using eAPI.
This includes devices configuration and devices states audit.
We will also see how eAPI can use text files (generated from templates) to configure and audit devices instead of using hardcoded python lists of commands.


Requirements on the EOS devices

s7152#show running-config section management api
management api http-commands
   protocol http
   no shutdown

Requirements on your laptop

python -V
Python 3.7.7
pip install jsonrpclib-pelix 
pip freeze | grep jsonrpc

Repository structure

  • The inventory file is inventory.yml
  • The variables are defined in the host_vars directory
  • The directory templates has the templates
    • config.j2 is a template to generate EOS configuration files
    • bgp_audit.j2 is a template to generate the EOS show commands to validate the desired states on EOS devices.
  • The directory config has the devices configuration files generated from the template config.j2 and the variables in host_vars directory. we use eAPI to configure the devices.
  • The directory audit has the EOS show commands generated from the template audit.j2 and the variables in the host_vars directory. We reuse the same variables we used to generate the configuration files. To get the devices states, we use eAPI to run these show commands and parse the output.
  • The file generates EOS configuration files from the template config.j2, converts the generated configuration files into lists of configuration commands, and uses eAPI to configure the devices using these lists of configuration commands.
  • The file audits all the configured BGP neigbhors. It uses the devices configuration as a SoT.
  • The file audits only the BGP neighbors you configured (the ones described in the variables in the host_vars directory). It uses the devices variables as a SoT instead of using the devices configuration as a SoT. To audit only the BGP neighbors you configured, it generates EOS show commands from the template bgp_audit.j2 and the variables in the host_vars directory, and save these show commands in the directory audit. Then it converts the generated text files into lists of show commands, and uses eAPI to audit these BGP neighbors. So to audit only the BGP neighbors you configured, we reuse the same variables we used to generate the configuration files.
  • The file audits the devices states and generates a report (file report.txt). It uses the devices variables to audit the devices states.
  • The file report.txt is an audit report generated by the script
  • The file commands.txt is used for the basic basic eAPI tutorial

Basic eAPI tutorial

We will use a Python interactive session for this tutorial

>>> from jsonrpclib import Server
>>> from pprint import pprint as pp
>>> username = "arista"
>>> password = "arista"
>>> ip = ""
>>> url = "http://" + username + ":" + password + "@" + ip + "/command-api"
>>> print(url)
http://arista:[email protected]/command-api
>>> switch = Server(url)

The runCmds method

Using the runCmds method, an application can send a list of EOS commands (both show commands and configuration commands) to EOS devices.

Running a show command

>>> result=switch.runCmds(version=1,cmds=["show version"])
>>> pp(result)
[{'architecture': 'i686',
  'bootupTimestamp': 1589457836.0,
  'hardwareRevision': '00.00',
  'internalBuildId': '523a3357-484c-4110-9019-39750ffa8af5',
  'internalVersion': '4.22.4M-2GB-15583082.4224M',
  'isIntlVersion': False,
  'memFree': 2839848,
  'memTotal': 4009188,
  'mfgName': 'Arista',
  'modelName': 'DCS-7150S-52-CL-F',
  'serialNumber': 'JPE12370337',
  'systemMacAddress': '00:1c:73:1e:e5:ee',
  'uptime': 33731.23,
  'version': '4.22.4M-2GB'}]
>>> result[0]['modelName']
>>> result[0]['version']

Running a show command using auto completion

>>> result=switch.runCmds(version=1,cmds=["sh ver"], format='json', autoComplete=True)
>>> result[0]['modelName']
>>> result[0]['version']

Running a list of several show commands

>>> commands_list = ["sh env temp", "sh ver"]
>>> result=switch.runCmds(version=1,cmds=commands_list, format='json', autoComplete=True)
>>> result[0]['systemStatus'] 
>>> result[1]['version'] 

Configuring EOS with a list of several commands

>>> conf = ["enable", "configure", "vlan 10", "name ten"]
>>> conf_vlan_10 = switch.runCmds(version=1,cmds=conf)
>>> result=switch.runCmds(version=1,cmds=["show vlan"])
>>> result[0]['vlans']['10']['name']
>>> conf = ["enable", "configure", "vlan 20", "name twenty", "vlan 30", "name thirty"] 
>>> conf_vlans = switch.runCmds(version=1,cmds=conf)
>>> result=switch.runCmds(version=1,cmds=["show vlan"], format='json')
>>> for key,value in result[0]['vlans'].items(): 
...    print("vlan " + key + " name is " + value['name'])
vlan 1 name is default
vlan 10 name is ten
vlan 20 name is twenty
vlan 30 name is thirty

Configuring EOS using auto completion

>>> conf = ["enable", "conf", "vla 40", "nam forty"] 
>>> conf_vlan_101 = switch.runCmds(version=1,cmds=conf, autoComplete=True)
>>> result=switch.runCmds(version=1,cmds=["sh vla"], format='json', autoComplete=True)
>>> result[0]['vlans']['40']['name']

Configuring EOS devices using a file

We will create a list of commands from the file commands.txt.
Then we will use eAPI to run these commands.

>>> f = open("commands.txt", "r")
>>> conf =
>>> f.close() 
>>> conf
['enable', 'conf', 'vlan 50', 'name fifty', 'vlan 60 ', 'name sixty']
>>> conf_vlans = switch.runCmds(version=1,cmds=conf, autoComplete=True)
>>> result=switch.runCmds(version=1,cmds=["sh vlan"], format='json', autoComplete=True)
>>> for key,value in result[0]['vlans'].items(): 
...    print("vlan " + key + " name is " + value['name'])
vlan 1 name is default
vlan 10 name is ten
vlan 60 name is sixty
vlan 20 name is twenty
vlan 30 name is thirty
vlan 50 name is fifty
vlan 40 name is forty

The getCommandCompletions method

The getCommandCompletions method can be used to complete a command.
This section is fyi only. Use only runCmds method. The runCmds method supports auto completion as shown above.

>>> command_to_complete = "sh"
>>> command_completed = switch.getCommandCompletions(command_to_complete) 
>>> command_completed
{'complete': False, 'completions': {'show': 'Display details of switch operation'}, 'errors': {}}
>>> command_completed['completions']
{'show': 'Display details of switch operation'}
>>> print(command_completed['completions'].keys())
>>> for item in command_completed['completions']: 
...     print(item)
>>> for key,value in command_completed['completions'].items(): 
...      print(key)
>>> command_to_complete = "sh ver"
>>> command_completed=switch.getCommandCompletions(command_to_complete) 
>>> command_completed['completions']
{'version': 'Software and hardware versions'}

eAPI advanced demo

Lab topology

3 EOS devices connected in a triangle topology.
We will use eAPI to configure the devices (EBGP and interfaces) and to audit them.


Configure the devices

The file generates EOS configuration files from the template config.j2, converts the generated configuration files into lists of configuration commands, and uses eAPI to configure the devices using these lists of configuration commands.


Script output:

Printing some details regarding the device switch1
model is DCS-7050SX-64-F
version is 4.22.1F-INT
Printing some details regarding the device switch2
model is DCS-7150S-52-CL-F
version is 4.22.4M-2GB
Printing some details regarding the device switch3
model is DCS-7150S-52-CL-F
version is 4.22.4M-2GB
Generating the configuration for device switch1
The generated device configuration is now saved in the config directory
Generating the configuration for device switch2
The generated device configuration is now saved in the config directory
Generating the configuration for device switch3
The generated device configuration is now saved in the config directory
configuring the device switch1
configuring the device switch2
configuring the device switch3

Run this command to see the files generated in the config directory.

ls config

Audit the devices

Audit all BGP sessions currently configured on the devices

The file audits all the configured BGP neigbhors. It uses the devices configuration as a SoT.


Script output:

Printing some details regarding the device switch1
model is DCS-7050SX-64-F
version is 4.22.1F-INT
Printing some details regarding the device switch2
model is DCS-7150S-52-CL-F
version is 4.22.4M-2GB
Printing some details regarding the device switch3
model is DCS-7150S-52-CL-F
version is 4.22.4M-2GB
audit will start in 15 seconds ...
audit will start in 10 seconds ...
audit will start in 5 seconds ...
Auditing all BGP neighbors configured on the device switch1
i.e we are currently using the device configuration as a SoT
the BGP session with is Established
the number of IPv4 prefixes sent to the BGP neighbor is 7
the number of IPv4 prefixes received from the BGP neighbor is 5
the BGP session with is Established
the number of IPv4 prefixes sent to the BGP neighbor is 6
the number of IPv4 prefixes received from the BGP neighbor is 5
Auditing all BGP neighbors configured on the device switch2
i.e we are currently using the device configuration as a SoT
the BGP session with is Established
the number of IPv4 prefixes sent to the BGP neighbor is 5
the number of IPv4 prefixes received from the BGP neighbor is 5
the BGP session with is Established
the number of IPv4 prefixes sent to the BGP neighbor is 6
the number of IPv4 prefixes received from the BGP neighbor is 6
Auditing all BGP neighbors configured on the device switch3
i.e we are currently using the device configuration as a SoT
the BGP session with is Established
the number of IPv4 prefixes sent to the BGP neighbor is 5
the number of IPv4 prefixes received from the BGP neighbor is 6
the BGP session with is Established
the number of IPv4 prefixes sent to the BGP neighbor is 6
the number of IPv4 prefixes received from the BGP neighbor is 6

Audit only the BGP sessions you configured

The file audits only the BGP neighbors you configured (the ones described in the variables in the host_vars directory). It uses the devices variables as a SoT instead of using the devices configuration as a SoT. To audit only the BGP neighbors you configured, it generates EOS show commands from the template bgp_audit.j2 and the variables in the host_vars directory, and save these show commands in the directory audit. Then it converts the generated text files into lists of show commands, and uses eAPI to audit these BGP neighbors. So to audit only the BGP neighbors you configured, we reuse the same variables we used to generate the configuration files.


Script output:

Printing some details regarding the device switch1
model is DCS-7050SX-64-F
version is 4.22.1F-INT
Printing some details regarding the device switch2
model is DCS-7150S-52-CL-F
version is 4.22.4M-2GB
Printing some details regarding the device switch3
model is DCS-7150S-52-CL-F
version is 4.22.4M-2GB
audit will start in 15 seconds ...
audit will start in 10 seconds ...
audit will start in 5 seconds ...
Auditing only the desired BGP neighbors on the device switch1
i.e we are currently using the device variables as a SoT
the BGP session with is Established
the number of IPv4 prefixes sent to the BGP neighbor is 7
the number of IPv4 prefixes received from the BGP neighbor is 5
the BGP session with is Established
the number of IPv4 prefixes sent to the BGP neighbor is 6
the number of IPv4 prefixes received from the BGP neighbor is 5
Auditing only the desired BGP neighbors on the device switch2
i.e we are currently using the device variables as a SoT
the BGP session with is Established
the number of IPv4 prefixes sent to the BGP neighbor is 5
the number of IPv4 prefixes received from the BGP neighbor is 5
the BGP session with is Established
the number of IPv4 prefixes sent to the BGP neighbor is 6
the number of IPv4 prefixes received from the BGP neighbor is 6
Auditing only the desired BGP neighbors on the device switch3
i.e we are currently using the device variables as a SoT
the BGP session with is Established
the number of IPv4 prefixes sent to the BGP neighbor is 5
the number of IPv4 prefixes received from the BGP neighbor is 6
the BGP session with is Established
the number of IPv4 prefixes sent to the BGP neighbor is 6
the number of IPv4 prefixes received from the BGP neighbor is 6

To see the commands generated in the audit directory, run this command:

ls audit   

Generate an audit report

The file audits the devices states and generates a report (file report.txt). It uses the devices variables to audit the devices states.


Script output:

Auditing switch1
Auditing switch2
Auditing switch3
All tests done. The audit report is available in the file report.txt

To read the report (file report.txt), run this command:

more report.txt


This repo has examples of Arista EOS automation using eAPI. This includes devices configuration and devices states validation








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