The purpose of this repository is to store/share notes from the whiteboard sessions conducted by Professor Krishnamachari, starting in Fall 2023.
- Thursday 12/14/2023
- Important terminologies and foundational concepts
- Experiments, Sets, and Events
- Independance and Exclusivity
- Review of Combinatorics
- Participants: Dr. Krishnamachari, Elizabeth O, Kae S
- Thursday 12/21/2023
- Conditioal probability
- Joint probability
- Marginalization
- Law of Total Probability
- Bayes Law
- Birthday Paradox
- AI doom
- Monte Hall Puzzle
- Belief Network (Bayesian Network)
- Participants: Dr. Krishnamachari, Elizabeth O, Kae S
- Friday 02/09/2024
- Conditinuous random variables
- Probability density function (PDF)
- Cumulative distribution function (CDF)
- Participants: Dr. Krishnamachari, Tamoghna S, Elizabeth O, Kae S
- Friday 02/16/2024
- Common Random Variables (r.v.)
- Descrete
- Bernoulli
- Geometric
- Binomital
- Continuous
- Exponential
- Gaussian and Nomal
- Uniform
- Descrete
- Expected Values
- Riemann–Stieltjes integral
- Common Random Variables (r.v.)
- Friday 03/04/2024
- Problems to do with linearity of expectation
- Expectation of positive random variables
- Tail inequalities that relate cdf bounds to expectation and variance
- Linearity and Expectation
- Markov's Inequality
- Chebyshev's Inequality
- Covariance and Correlation Coefficient
- Jointly Gaussian
- Friday 03/21/2024
- LLN (Law of Large Number)
- WLLN (Weak Law of Large Number)
- SLLN (Strong Law of Large Number)
- Friday 03/22/2024
- MGF (Moment Generating Functions)
- Characteristic Functions
Expectation and variance (Continued)
- Aside on higher moments: skew and kurtosis)
- Real life application (Simulating COVID19 Clasasroom Transmission on a University Campus)
Riemann–Stieltjes integral
Tail inequalities
- (v. briefly) Moment generating function and characteristic function of a random variable
- Chernoff bound
Specific random variable families
Simulating a random variable
Function of a random variable
Expectations of function
How to simulate any arbitrary random variable given a uniform random number generator
Continuous time Markov chains
Queuing theory
Continuous time Gaussian process
Power spectral density and filtering a random process through a linear time invariant filter
Kalman Filters
LQG control
Markov Decision Process
Multi-armed Bandits
Basics of detection and estimation theory
Information theory