Author: Fabrizio Branca
EnvSettingsTool offers a concept to adjust settings for applications. Typically it is used during deployment. The settings for every Environment can be maintained in an CSV file.
This is an example CSV file:
Handler | Param1 | Param2 | Param3 | DEFAULT | devbox | integration | staging | production |
# Database parameters | ||||||||
Est_Handler_XmlFile | app/etc/local.xml | /config/global/resources/default_setup/connection/host | localhost | |||||
# Dev settings | ||||||||
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData | default | 0 | dev/debug/profiler | 0 | 1 |
Each row is one setting. A setting is changed by a "handler", and each handler support up to 3 parameters.
The next columns represent the values for the environments, and you may use the "DEFAULT" key for a default setting.
Empty column values will fall back to the "DEFAULT" column (instead of setting an empty value). If you want to set an empty value instead
configure that cell with --empty--
and it will set an empty value instead of falling back.
The tool comes with 3 commands:
Just print out the Handler and Values that would be executed:
php dryRun.php devbox ../settings.csv
Execute the handlers and show status summary:
php apply.php devbox ../settings.csv
Returns the value for a certain handler. For example - this can be used to get database values for other scripts:
php value.php devbox ../Settings.csv HandlerName param1 param2 param3
DB_HOST=`EnvSettingsTool/value.php ${ENVIRONMENT} settings.csv Est_Handler_XmlFile app/etc/local.xml /config/global/resources/default_setup/connection/host`
echo "Appling settings"
cd htdocs
php ../Setup/EnvSettingsTool/apply.php ${ENVIRONMENT} ../Setup/Settings.csv || exit 1
Est_Handler_XmlFile: Can change values in XML
- Param1: Relative Path to XML File (relative to current directory)
- Param2: XPath
- Param3: not used
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData: Changes values of core_config_data table in a Magento instance. It reads its database parameters from app/etc/local.xml - therefore it needs to be placed after any adjustments of DB credentials.
Param1: scope ('default', 'stores', 'websites', or '%')
Param2: scopeid (store id, store code, website id, website code, 0 for default scope or '%')
Param3: path
Special features:
- If the value field of a row for the current environment is
the matched row will be deleted - param1, param2, or param3 can use the wildcard
instead a concrete values. This will make EnvSettingsTool apply the value to multiple existing rows. - If scope is
the scope id can be a store code instead of a store id. - If scope is
the scope id can be a website code instead of a website id.
- If the value field of a row for the current environment is
Est_Handler_MarkerReplace: Simply replaces a given marker in a file
- Param1: Relative Path to File (relative to current directory)
- Param2: Marker that will be replaced
- Param3: not used
Est_Handler_AddFileContent: Adds the content from one file to the content of another file
- Param1: targetFile path
- Param2: 'before', 'after', 'prepend', or 'append'
- Param3: not used
- Value: contentFile path
Est_Handler_PrependFileContent: Prepends the content from one file to the content of another file (This is just a shortcut for the AddFileContent handler)
- Param1: targetFile path
- Param2: not used
- Param3: not used
- Value: contentFile path
Est_Handler_SetVar: Allows you to set variables that can be used in all following handlers using
- Param1: variable name
- Param2: not used
- Param3: not used
Est_Handler_CopyFile: Allows you to copy a file from sourceFile path to targetFile path.
- Param1: targetFile path
- Param2: not used
- Param3: not used
- Value: sourceFile path
Est_Handler_Magento_EavEntityStore: Sets a predefined increment prefix. The last increment id will be set to 00000000.
- Param1: entity type code or entity type id
- Param2: store code or store id
- Param3: increment prefix
Est_Handler_Magento_AdminUserActivate: Allows to enabled/disabled admin user accounts based on username, email or roles (wildcards supported)
- Param1: Username
- Param2: Email
- Param3: Rolename
- Value: 1=enabled, 0=disabled
Est_Handler_Magento_StoreActivate: Enables/disables an existing store
- Param1: store id or code
- Param2: not used
- Param3: not used
- Value: 0 for disable, 1 for enable
Est_Handler_Magento_Api2AclRule: Configures Mage_Api2 rules
- Param1: role_id or role name
- Param2: resource_id
- Param3: privilege
- Value: 0/--delete-- for delete, 1/--insert-- for insert
Est_Handler_Magento_Api2AclAttribute: Configures Mage_Api2 attributes
- Param1: user_type (admin, customer or guest - lowercase!)
- Param2: resource_id
- Param3: operation
- Value: allowed_attributes
Empty lines or lines starting with '#' or '/' will be ignored. Use this to insert some comments into the csv file.
If the value field of a row for the current environment is --skip--
this handler will not be executed
The Values also support the special syntax ###ENV:VARIABLE###
to read stuff from the (bash) environment Variables.
The special syntax ###FILE:filename###
allows to read the content of a file and insert the trimmed value.
Est_Handler_XmlFile('app/etc/local.xml', '/config/global/cache/id_prefix', '') = x###FILE:../build.txt###_
Will read the content of ../build.txt and insert it in the id_prefix node: x72_
param1, param2 and param3 can specify loops using this syntax: {{1|2|3}}
. In this case the same handler will be executed multiple times using every values.
It's also possible to have loops in two or all three parameters. In this case all combinations will be executed.
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData('stores', '{{1|2|3}}', 'web/unsecure/base_url') = ''
Is equal to:
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData('stores', '1', 'web/unsecure/base_url') = ''
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData('stores', '2', 'web/unsecure/base_url') = ''
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData('stores', '3', 'web/unsecure/base_url') = ''
This loop resolution now also works within paramters:
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData('stores', '1', 'a/b/{{c|d|e}}') = ''
Is equal to:
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData('stores', '1', 'a/b/c') = ''
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData('stores', '1', 'a/b/d') = ''
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData('stores', '1', 'a/b/e') = ''
Multiple loops are also support within the same parameter:
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData('stores', '1', '{{a|b}}_{{c|d}') = ''
Is equal to:
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData('stores', '1', 'a_c') = ''
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData('stores', '1', 'a_d') = ''
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData('stores', '1', 'b_c') = ''
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData('stores', '1', 'b_d') = ''
Empty values in loops are also allowed:
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData('stores', '1', 'web/secure/base{{_skin|_media|_js|}}_url') = ''
Is equal to:
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData('stores', '1', 'web/secure/base_skin_url') = ''
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData('stores', '1', 'web/secure/base_media_url') = ''
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData('stores', '1', 'web/secure/base_js_url') = ''
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData('stores', '1', 'web/secure/base_url') = ''
An empty cell falls back the configured DEFAULT column. If you actually need that value to be empty use --empty--
You can reference to values from another environment by adding this to the value: ###REF:targetenvironment###
will be replaced with current environment name (e.g. "production"). This replacement is done after resolving any references to other environments. So the environment being inserted here is always the actual environment requested and not the one of a referenced value.###CWD###
will be replaced with the path to the current working directory.###PARAM1###
will be replaced with the given param1. Also works if the parameter is given in the loop syntax{{..|..}}
. Then the individual value will be set.###PARAM2###
will be replaced with the given param2. Also works if the parameter is given in the loop syntax{{..|..}}
. Then the individual value will be set.###PARAM3###
will be replaced with the given param3. Also works if the parameter is given in the loop syntax{{..|..}}
. Then the individual value will be set.
The csv settings file can cotain another column labelled with "GROUPS" (all uppercase!). Every value in this column can be a comma separated list of groups (or 'tags' if you like) similar to how PHPUnit handles groups.
When calling the apply.php script you can pass --groups <comma-separated list of groups>
or --exclude-groups <comma-separated list of groups>
If --groups
is set only the lines will be processed that have at least one of the groups passed as a parameter. If --exclude-groups
is set the lines will be skipped if they
have at least one group in common with what is specified.
Please note that the argument does not support '=' but only spaces. (use --groups db
, not --groups=db
# Will only execute rows tagged with 'db'
./apply.php devbox ../Configuration/settings.csv --groups db
# Will skip executing rows tagged with 'db'
./apply.php devbox ../Configuration/settings.csv --exclude-groups db
Disable all admin users:
Est_Handler_Magento_AdminUserActivate('%', '%', '%') = 0
Enable user 'john.doe':
Est_Handler_Magento_AdminUserActivate('john.doe', '%', '%') = 1
Enable user with email address '[email protected]':
Est_Handler_Magento_AdminUserActivate('%', '[email protected]', '%') = 1
Enable all user with email addresses '[email protected]':
Est_Handler_Magento_AdminUserActivate('%', '', '%') = 1
Enable all users with role 'Customer Service':
Est_Handler_Magento_AdminUserActivate('%', '%', 'Customer Service') = 1
Remember that EnvSettingsTool processes the csv file from top to bottom. You can use this to add exact control over what accounts should be enabled or not.
If you're setting Magento core_config_data values and you want to be sure that there's no other value that might interfere with your values (e.g. in a different scope) you can delete all values first:
Handler | Param1 | Param2 | Param3 | DEFAULT |
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData | % | % | dev/debug/profiler | --delete-- |
Est_Handler_Magento_CoreConfigData | default | 0 | dev/debug/profiler | 0 |
Add this to your composer.json to resolve the dependency through composer:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"aoepeople/envsettingstool": "~1.0"
- Added composer support
- Added support for arguments
- Added --groups and --exclude-groups feature
- Added support for Magento admin users