Kubeflow v1.10.0-rc.1
6 commits
to v1.10-branch
since this release
What's Changed since 1.10.0-rc0
- fix: update kind config by @warjiang in #2971
- Refactor: Extract pipeline_test.py into a shared file for reuse across workflows by @akagami-harsh in #2972
- Update oauth2-proxy README.md by @juliusvonkohout in #2977
- Synchronize kubeflow training operator manifests 778cd72 by @juliusvonkohout in #2979
- Fix raycluster Readme by @akagami-harsh in #2976
- Update kubeflow/model-registry manifests from 5d8ed91 by @tarilabs in #2973
- Improve documentation and CI/CD by @juliusvonkohout in #2987
- Add model registry ui network policy by @ederign in #2989
- fix warnings after kustomize build in contrib by @mahdikhashan in #2992
- Synchronize kubeflow katib manifests v0.18.0 rc.0 by @juliusvonkohout in #2993
- Synchronize kubeflow kubeflow manifests v1.10.0 rc.0 by @juliusvonkohout in #2995
- Synchronize kubeflow model registry manifests v0.2.14 by @tarilabs in #2998
- Synchronize kserve web app manifests v0.14.0 rc.0 by @juliusvonkohout in #3003
New Contributors
- @warjiang made their first contribution in #2971
- @akagami-harsh made their first contribution in #2972
- @ederign made their first contribution in #2989
Full Changelog: v1.10.0-rc.0...v1.10.0-rc.1