This is a landing page representing a Figma Land agency.
The Landing Page Project is a static website built using React, SCSS, Chakra UI and JavaScript. It features a responsive and dynamic design, with a header section showcasing the agency's logo and a navigation menu, a hero section with a background image and a call-to-action button, and several content sections highlighting the agency's destinations and services.
The website also includes a smooth scrolling effect, where clicking on a navigation link will scroll smoothly to the corresponding section on the page.
The JavaScript code for the smooth scrolling effect and the navigation menu toggle button were written from scratch.
You can view a live demo of the website HERE.
- React
- JavaScript
- Chakra UI
- Framer Motion
If you have any suggestions or improvements for this project, feel free to create an issue or submit a pull request. Contributions are always welcome!
This project was created by Anastasiia Kuznetsova.