sync dns record via upstream domain.
Smart router , NAS can provide free DDNS, but can only provide secondary domain.
If you want to use your own domain ,you can't simply config on that.
The whole point of DDNS is update the record when the ip is changed.
So we can simply use the free DDNS and watch the change of ip.
When the change is made ,we can update our domain record.
go get -u
## arm
CGO_ENABLE=0 GOARCH=arm GOOS=linux go build -o dns main.go
docker run --name ddns -d --restart=always l1b0k/aliyun-ddns --ak= --sk= --domain-name= --domain-rr=@,www
Raspberry Pi demo
sudo cp dns.system /usr/lib/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable dns
sudo systemctl start dns