WalletConnect connects mobile & web applications to supported mobile wallets. The WalletConnect session is started by scanning a QR code (desktop) or by clicking an application deep link (mobile).
Once installed, you can simply get verified address from wallet.
/// Create a connector
var connector = WalletConnector(
const AppInfo(name: "Mobile App", url: "https://example.mobile.com"));
/// create wallet need open
var rainbowMe = const Wallet(universalLink: 'https://rainbow.me/');
/// Get address
var address = await connector.publicAddress(wallet: rainbowMe).catchError((onError) {
throw onError;
Currently, package already have Wallet.metamask
, Wallet.trustWallet
and Wallet.rainbowMe
/// package open Metamask by default
var address = await connector.publicAddress().catchError((onError) {
throw onError;
If you want open wallet by your self, use initSession
and get uri
connector.initSession((uri) {
// use session uri and connect to wallet by your way