l3vels.xyz React components library - Storybook
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18+ | last 4 versions | last 4 versions | 12.1+ | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions |
Install the component library
$ npm install @l3-lib/ui-core
You can import from the main bundle:
import { Button } from "@l3-lib/ui-core";
or you might want to import directly the component from the dist folder
import Button from "@l3-lib/ui-core/dist/Button";
You also need to import Main CSS file to your project
import "@l3-lib/ui-core/dist/main.css"
We are relaient on React and React DOM, we are using them as externals and we don't package them to the package so you must have them in your project
We are using storybook in order to develop the components independently from any consumer. run this to build & run the storybook locally:
npm run storybook
the storybook will be served on http://localhost:6006
When developing locally we are using a npm functionality called npm link, this allows us to work locally on our package and use it in a different project without publishing. This functionality basically overrides the npm mapping between package name to its repo, and points it to where the package is located locally.
- If you are using NVM, make sure both packages are using the same version.
- Because we are using react hooks and having react as a peerDependency - if you want to develop locally and encounter issues with "invalid hook call" See this github thread. The quick fix is in your webpack config file alias react to resolve the node_modules path
Go to the project's directory and run:
nvm use
npm unlink
npm link
npm start
We welcome every contributor, please read the contribution guidelines before submitting a PR
We support theming from the library to the component level using css variables - for more info on theming please read the theme guidelines file
Perform the following steps to release a new version:
- Bump the version in
- Merge into
- Release the new version in the @l3-lib/ui-core