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Space Siege Breakers MIDlet

Space Siege Breakers is a Java ME based tower defense type mobile phone game created as a homework for a course in 2010.

Screenshot 001


Summary of set up

Building the project from the CLI with Ant and Antenna

  • Install the dependencies
  • Set up the required environment variables (JAVA_HOME, WTK_HOME and ANT_HOME) have been set up the following way:
    • Make sure that JAVA_HOME is pointing to a 32-bit JDK <= 7 and that the JAVA_HOME/bin has been added to the PATH
    • Make sure that WTK_HOME has been set and points to either to the WTK or a Java ME SDK root
    • Make sure that ANT_HOME has been set and ANT_HOME/bin has been added to the PATH, also make sure that Antenna's jar has been added to ANT_HOME/lib
  • git clone [email protected]:laszlolukacs/spacesiegebreakers.git
  • ant build

After a successful build the artifacts (the JAD and JAR files) will be located in the /bld directory.

Opening the project in Eclipse

  • Install the dependencies (Ant and Antenna could be omitted)
  • Set up Eclipse and MTJ
    • Add a 32-bit JDK <= 7 to Eclipse using 'Window/Preferences' then 'Java/JREs'
    • Select 'Window/Preferences' then 'Java ME' and point the 'WTK root' attribute to the WTK/Java ME SDK root directory
    • Add the emulators at 'Window/Preferences' then 'Java ME/Device Management', then hit 'Manual Install...' and select either the WTK or a Java ME SDK root directory and add the emulators
  • git clone [email protected]:laszlolukacs/spacesiegebreakers.git
  • In Eclipse use 'File/Import...', then select 'General/Existing Projects into Workspace' to open the project in Eclipse.

When the MIDlet packages have been created the artifacts (the JAD and JAR files) will be located in the /deployed/<TargetDeviceName> directory.


Copy the resulting SpaceSiegeBreakers.jad and SpaceSiegeBreakers.jar artifacts either from the /bld (when built with Ant) or from the /deployed/<TargetDeviceName> (when MIDlet packages are created from Eclipse) directory to the target device.