A linear algebra library for C#
The goal of this library is to provide a simple to use implementation of matrices and vectors to perform mathematical operation with C#
// Simple matrix initialization
Matrix m1 = new Matrix(3,3);
Matrix m2 = new Matrix(3,3);
// Then you can operate with the following operations
var product = m1 * m2;
var sum = m1 + m2;
var inverse = !m1;
// You can retreive single colums and rows by using ranges in the indexer
Vector row1 = m1[1, ..];
Vector column2 = m1[.., 2];
The library presents also built-in Gauss-Jordan reduction to solve linear systems
// Example of computing the inverse using the Gauss method
Matrix m = new Matrix(3,6);
m[0, 0..3] = new Vector(1, 2, 3);
m[1, 0..3] = new Vector(2, 2, 3);
m[2, 0..3] = new Vector(3, 3, 3);
m[.., 3..] = Matrix.Identity(3);
var reduction = Matrix.Gauss(m);
var inverse = reduction[.., 3..];
These are some methods implemented in the Matrix
Matrix m = new Matrix(5, 5);
You can also enumerate the rows and the elements by IEnumerable
Matrix m = new Matrix(5, 5);
foreach(var row in m)
foreach(var element in row)
The library is in its early stages, there are many improvements both in terms of efficiency and functionality that can be made.