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提交js写的 fmp4 相关代码 以及自己用C写的fmp4编码代码
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YuanDaYu002 committed Dec 1, 2018
1 parent dba4c20 commit 07b7432
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Showing 240 changed files with 15,140 additions and 0 deletions.
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions AVFileParse/AVI_Parse/AVIData.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
#pragma once
#include "bytes.h"
#include <wtypes.h>

struct avih_data
byte strName[4]; // 必须为‘avih’
DWORD dwSize; // 本数据结构的大小,不包括最初的8个字节(fcc和cb两个域)
DWORD dwIntervalTime; // 视频帧间隔时间(以毫秒为单位)
DWORD dwMaxBytesPerSec; // 这个AVI文件的最大数据率
DWORD dwPaddingGranularity; // 数据填充的粒度
DWORD dwFlags; // AVI文件的全局标记,比如是否含有索引块等
DWORD dwTotalFrames; // 总帧数
DWORD dwInitialFrames; // 为交互格式指定初始帧数(非交互格式应该指定为0)
DWORD dwStreams; // 本文件包含的流的个数
DWORD dwSBuffSize; // 建议读取本文件的缓存大小(应能容纳最大的块)
DWORD dwWidth; // 视频图像的宽(以像素为单位)
DWORD dwHeight; // 视频图像的高(以像素为单位)
byte dwReserved[16]; // 保留

// (视频流或文字流)在视频主窗口中的显示位置
// 视频主窗口由AVIMAINHEADER结构中的dwWidth和dwHeight决定
struct rectFrame
short int left;
short int top;
short int right;
short int bottom;

struct strh_data
byte strName[4]; // 必须为‘strh’
DWORD dwSize; // 本数据结构的大小,不包括最初的8个字节(fcc和cb两个域)
byte strType[4]; // 流的类型:‘auds’(音频流)、‘vids’(视频流)、‘mids’(MIDI流)、‘txts’(文字流)
byte strHandler[4]; // 指定流的处理者,对于音视频来说就是解码器
DWORD dwFlags; // 标记:是否允许这个流输出?调色板是否变化?
WORD wPriority; // 流的优先级(当有多个相同类型的流时优先级最高的为默认流)
WORD wLanguage;
DWORD dwIniFrames; // 为交互格式指定初始帧数
DWORD dwScale; // 这个流使用的时间尺度
DWORD dwRate;
DWORD dwStart; // 流的开始时间
DWORD dwLength; // 流的长度(单位与dwScale和dwRate的定义有关)
DWORD dwSBuffSize; // 读取这个流数据建议使用的缓存大小
DWORD dwQuality; // 流数据的质量指标(0~10,000)
DWORD dwSampleSize; // Sample的大小

rectFrame rcFrame;
298 changes: 298 additions & 0 deletions AVFileParse/AVI_Parse/AVIFile.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
#include "AVIFile.h"




bool CAVIFile::LoadFile(char* strFile)
if (!strFile)
printf("strFile is null. \n");
return false;
FILE* pFile = fopen(strFile, "rb");
if (!pFile)
printf("fopen is failed. \n");
return false;
fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_END);
int iSize = ftell(pFile);
byte_ptr pData = new byte[iSize];
fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (iSize != fread(pData, sizeof(byte), iSize, pFile))
printf("read file is failed. \n");
return false;

byte ch[1000];
memcpy(ch, pData, 1000);

bool bResult = ReadData(pData, iSize);
pData = NULL;
return bResult;

bool CAVIFile::ReadData(byte_ptr pData, int iSize)
byte_ptr pEnd = pData + iSize;

while (pData < pEnd)

return true;

int CAVIFile::ReadAviHeader(byte_ptr &pData)
byte_ptr pBegin = pData;
printf("******************************* AVI Header *******************************\n");
printf("\t AVI Type \t : %s \n", BytesToStr(pData, 4).c_str());
printf("\t AVI Size \t : %d \n", BytesToInt(pData, 4));
printf("\t AVI Name \t : %s \n", BytesToStr(pData, 4).c_str());
return pData - pBegin;

int CAVIFile::ReadList(byte_ptr &pData)
byte_ptr pBegin = pData;
printf("******************************* List Header *******************************\n");
std::string strType = BytesToStr(pData, 4);
printf("\t List Type \t : %s \n", strType.c_str());
int iListSize = BytesToInt(pData, 4);
printf("\t List Size \t : %d \n", iListSize);
std::string strName = BytesToStr(pData, 4);
printf("\t List Name \t : %s \n", strName.c_str());
byte_ptr pEnd = pBegin + (iListSize+8);

if (0 =="hdrl"))
else if(0 =="strl"))
ReadStrl(pData, pEnd);
else if(0 =="movi"))
ReadMovi(pData, pEnd);
if (0 =="idx1"))
// 回退四个字节;
pData -= 4;
ReadIdx1(pData, pEnd);
printf("\t find unknown name: %s \n", strName.c_str());
pData = pEnd;

return pData - pBegin;

int CAVIFile::ReadHdrl(byte_ptr &pData)
byte_ptr pBegin = pData;
// 读数据;
avih_data avihData = { 0 };
int iAvihSize = sizeof(avihData);
memcpy(&avihData, pData, iAvihSize);
pData += iAvihSize;

printf("******************************* avih *******************************\n");
byte_ptr temp = avihData.strName;
printf("\t Name \t : %s \n", BytesToStr(temp, 4).c_str());
printf("\t Size \t : %d \n", avihData.dwSize);
printf("\t InterTime \t : %d \n", avihData.dwIntervalTime);
printf("\t dwMaxBytes \t : %d \n", avihData.dwMaxBytesPerSec);
printf("\t dwPadding \t : %d \n", avihData.dwPaddingGranularity);
printf("\t dwFlags \t : %d \n", avihData.dwFlags);
printf("\t dwTotalFrames \t : %d \n", avihData.dwTotalFrames);
printf("\t dwStreams \t : %d \n", avihData.dwStreams);
printf("\t dwSBuffSize \t : %d \n", avihData.dwSBuffSize);
printf("\t dwWidth \t : %d \n", avihData.dwWidth);
printf("\t dwHeight \t : %d \n", avihData.dwHeight);
temp = avihData.dwReserved;
printf("\t dwReserved \t : %s \n", BytesToStr(temp, 16).c_str());
// 遍历子节点;

return pData - pBegin;

int CAVIFile::ReadStrl(byte_ptr &pData, byte_ptr pEnd)
byte_ptr pBegin = pData;
// 读数据;
std::string strType;
ReadStrh(pData, strType);
ReadStrf(pData, strType);

while (pData < pEnd)
byte ch[100];
memcpy(ch, pData, 100);
std::string strName = BytesToStr(pData, 4);
int iSize = BytesToInt(pData, 4);
pData += iSize;
printf("\t '%s' : size %d bytes. \n", strName.c_str(), iSize);

return pData - pBegin;

int CAVIFile::ReadStrh(byte_ptr &pData, std::string& strType)
byte_ptr pBegin = pData;
// 读数据;
strh_data strhData = {0};
int iStrhSize = sizeof(strhData);
memcpy(&strhData, pData, iStrhSize);
pData += iStrhSize;

printf("******************************* strh *******************************\n");
byte_ptr temp = strhData.strName;
printf("\t Name \t : %s \n", BytesToStr(temp, 4).c_str());
printf("\t Size \t : %d \n", strhData.dwSize);
temp = strhData.strType;
strType = BytesToStr(temp, 4).c_str();
printf("\t Type \t : %s \n", strType.c_str());
temp = strhData.strHandler;
printf("\t Handler \t : %d \n", BytesToInt(temp, 4));
printf("\t dwFlags \t : %d \n", strhData.dwFlags);
printf("\t wPriority \t : %d \n", strhData.wPriority);
printf("\t wLanguage \t : %d \n", strhData.wLanguage);
printf("\t dwIniFrames \t : %d \n", strhData.dwIniFrames);
printf("\t dwScale \t : %d \n", strhData.dwScale);
printf("\t dwRate \t : %d \n", strhData.dwRate);
printf("\t dwStart \t : %d \n", strhData.dwStart);
printf("\t dwLength \t : %d \n", strhData.dwLength);
printf("\t dwSBuffSize \t : %d \n", strhData.dwSBuffSize);
printf("\t dwQuality \t : %d \n", strhData.dwQuality);
printf("\t dwSampleSize \t : %d \n", strhData.dwSampleSize);
printf("\t rcFrame_l \t : %d \n", strhData.rcFrame.left);
printf("\t rcFrame_t \t : %d \n",;
printf("\t rcFrame_r \t : %d \n", strhData.rcFrame.right);
printf("\t rcFrame_b \t : %d \n", strhData.rcFrame.bottom);

return pData - pBegin;

int CAVIFile::ReadStrf(byte_ptr &pData, std::string strType)
std::string strName = BytesToStr(pData, 4);
if (0 !="strf"))
printf("\t strName(%s) is not strf", strName.c_str());
pData -= 4;
return 0;

byte_ptr pBegin = pData;
// 读数据;
if (0 =="vids"))
BITMAPINFO strfData = { 0 };
int iStrfSize = sizeof(strfData);
memcpy(&strfData, pData, iStrfSize);
pData += iStrfSize;

printf("******************************* strf *******************************\n");
printf("\t Size \t : %d \n", strfData.bmiHeader.biSize);
printf("\t Width \t : %d \n", strfData.bmiHeader.biWidth);
printf("\t Height \t : %d \n", strfData.bmiHeader.biHeight);
printf("\t Planes \t : %d \n", strfData.bmiHeader.biPlanes);
printf("\t BitCount \t : %d \n", strfData.bmiHeader.biBitCount);
printf("\t Compression \t : 0x%X \n", strfData.bmiHeader.biCompression);
printf("\t SizeImage \t : %d \n", strfData.bmiHeader.biSizeImage);
printf("\t XPels \t : %d \n", strfData.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter);
printf("\t YPels \t : %d \n", strfData.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter);
printf("\t ClrUsed \t : %d \n", strfData.bmiHeader.biClrUsed);
printf("\t SampleSize \t : %d \n", strfData.bmiHeader.biClrImportant);
printf("\t rgbBlue \t : %d \n", strfData.bmiColors[0].rgbBlue);
printf("\t rgbGreen \t : %d \n", strfData.bmiColors[0].rgbGreen);
printf("\t rgbRed \t : %d \n", strfData.bmiColors[0].rgbRed);
printf("\t rgbReserved \t : %c \n", strfData.bmiColors[0].rgbReserved);
else if (0 =="auds"))
printf("******************************* strf *******************************\n");
int iSize = BytesToInt(pData, 4);
printf("\t Size \t : %d \n", iSize);

WAVEFORMATEX strfData = { 0 };
int iStrfSize = sizeof(strfData);
memcpy(&strfData, pData, iStrfSize);
pData += iStrfSize;
printf("\t FormatTag \t : %d \n", strfData.wFormatTag);
printf("\t Channels \t : %d \n", strfData.nChannels);
printf("\t SamplesPerSec \t : %d \n", strfData.nSamplesPerSec);
printf("\t AvgBytesPerSec\t : %d \n", strfData.nAvgBytesPerSec);
printf("\t BlockAlign \t : %d \n", strfData.nBlockAlign);
printf("\t BitsPerSample \t : %d \n", strfData.wBitsPerSample);
printf("\t cbSize \t : %d \n", strfData.cbSize);
pData += strfData.cbSize; // 后面有额外信息 需要后移;

return pData - pBegin;

int CAVIFile::ReadMovi(byte_ptr &pData, byte_ptr pEnd)
byte_ptr pBegin = pData;
while (pData < pEnd)
std::string strType = BytesToStr(pData, 4);
int iSize = BytesToInt(pData, 4);
int iOffset = iSize;
if ( 0 != (iSize % 2) )
// 此处有字节对齐原则, 需判断奇偶性;
iOffset += 1;
pData += iOffset;

printf("\t '%s' : %d bytes. \n", strType.c_str(), iSize);

return pData - pBegin;

int CAVIFile::ReadIdx1(byte_ptr &pData, byte_ptr pEnd)
byte_ptr pBegin = pData;

while (pData < pEnd)
std::string strTrackID = BytesToStr(pData, 4);
int iFlag = BytesToInt(pData, 4);
int iOffset = BytesToInt(pData, 4);
int iLength = BytesToInt(pData, 4);

printf("\t TrackID: '%s', Flag : %6d, Offset : %6d, Length : %6d \n", strTrackID.c_str(), iFlag, iOffset, iLength);

return pData - pBegin;
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions AVFileParse/AVI_Parse/AVIFile.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#pragma once
#include "AVIData.h"

class CAVIFile

// 加载文件,读取数据;
bool LoadFile(char* strFile);

// 解析数据;
bool ReadData(byte_ptr pData, int iSize);

int ReadAviHeader(byte_ptr &pData);
int ReadList(byte_ptr &pData);
int ReadHdrl(byte_ptr &pData);
int ReadStrl(byte_ptr &pData, byte_ptr pEnd);
int ReadStrh(byte_ptr &pData, std::string& strType);
int ReadStrf(byte_ptr &pData, const std::string strType);
int ReadMovi(byte_ptr &pData, byte_ptr pEnd);
int ReadIdx1(byte_ptr &pData, byte_ptr pEnd);

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