All CMIP6 data is obtained from the CMIP6 archive at ESGF, and can be freely downloaded. It is located locally at /fs11/d0/emfreese/CO2_GF/cmip6_data
Suggested to run in the order shown below:
CO2_GF_creation creates the Green's functions CO2_GF_sensitivity_climatology_creation creates the climatology based sensitivity Green's Functions CO2_GF_sensitivity_internal_var_creation creates the internal variance based sensitivity for the Green's Functions CO2_GF_sensitivity_polyfit_creation creates the polyfit of the Green's Function in two forms for comparison CO2_GF_plots is plotting of the Green's functions
RTCRE_calc calculates the RTCRE for the relevant model simulations
Emission_profile_1pct_1000gtc diagnoses the emissions for the 1pct-1000pgc case Emission_profile_1pct diagnoses the emissions for the 1pct co2 case Emission_profile_hist_co2_only diagnoses the emissions for the hist co2 case
Convolution_1pct_and_1000gtc does the convolution for the 1pct and 1pct-1000pgc cases Convolution_hist_co2_only does the convolution for the hist co2 case
Paper_Figure_1_global_mean is the figure 1 for the GRL paper Paper_Figure_2_spatial_pattern is the figure 2 for the GRL paper Paper_Figure_3_normalized_dif is the figure 3 for the GRL paper Paper_Figure_4_scenarios is the figure 4 for the GRL paper
Supplementary_figs_CMIP6_RMSE_comparison has supplementary Figs S8-S19 Supplementary_figs_Fourier_transform has supplementary Fig 23 Supplementary_figs_GF_smoothing has supplementary Figs S20 and S21 Supplementary_figs_Global_mean_pulse_cdr_comparison has supplementary Figs S3 Supplementary_figs_Model_comparison_std_deviation has supplementary Figs S2 and S7 Supplementary_figs_GF_by_model has supplementary Figs S1 and S4 Supplementary_figs_Variance has supplementary Figs S22
Supplementary Figs S5-S6
for small examples on how convolutions and Green's functions work, useful for presentations toy_example_GF is the way the GF works toy_example_trajectories is an example of convolutions
for all outputs
for all figures
for notebooks exploring related questions or new ideas, not used in the paper 1pct_A1_B1_global_mean_concentration_profile is for the comparison of two ZECMIP, but these are in EMICs 4x_concentration_profile for potential comparison of Green's function to the 4x CO2 derived Green's Function 4x_validation to validate that scenarios_internal_var to do a massive spanning of the internal vs. scenario vs. model variability from trajectories CO2_GF_internal_var_analysis is to plot the scenarios_internal_var Edwards_IAM_convolution is an attempt to use some GCAM data to convolve with uncertainty_analysis is to do different literature types of uncertainty analysis including the scenarios uncertainty_data_prep gets the data ready to go into the uncertainty_analysis
establishing the base temperature that this could be emulated off of to project from 2020-2100 (otherwise we start in 1850)
contains all cmip6 data needed for this work (see paper for table to download yourself)
unecessary for analysis, this is just to test other comparisons, and includes the zecmip, Joos, and Edwards data
analysis not used in paper, but could be useful