A C# library to facilitate electrical stimulation research and development.
More details coming soon.
- the library source codetests/
- the test projectsmodels/
- examples of spatial model definition filesexamples/
- example applications using the library's high-level APIdocs/
- additional documentation files, including a dictionary and coding conventions
Last updated: March 2024
Beneficial in the future:
- package diagram showing the interface exposed to the public
- use case, sequence, and/or activity diagram(s) depicting how this codebase interacts with a calling UI, the different objects instantiated at run-time, the function calls and messages passed between, the synchronous vs asynchronous functioning, etc
- class diagram of the robot and UI code (in their respective repos if not included here)
- deployment model of the whole networked system
See UML.md for a UML intro.