The official support of lispbox have stopped. Based on the last version of lispbox v0.7, the next component is updated to its newest version.
Updated Time:2019/01/27
emacs: v26.1
Clozure CL: V1.11.5
Slime: V2.23
How to setup the environment:
- unzip all the files to C:/lispbox
- set system path.
PATH += C:\lispbox\ccl;C:\lispbox\emacs\bin; - replace the ecmas init file ".emacs"
replace the content C:/Users/{username}/AppData/Roaming/.emacs with C:/lispbox/How-to-setup/configured.emacs
if the .emacs file doesn't exist, run the lispbox.bat, change some items below menu "Options", and "Save Options", then the .emacs will be created.