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NPM Version

Web3 Wallets Connection Library



Add the reef-knot package

Using NPM

npm install reef-knot

Using Yarn

yarn add reef-knot

Wagmi and Viem

Reef Knot relies on the wagmi and viem libraries as peer dependencies. To install these libraries, follow the "Getting Started" guide in the wagmi documentation.

Example Setup

For an example of Reef Knot setup and configuration, check out this demo app.

Required Imports

To set up Reef Knot, you’ll need the following imports:

import { ReefKnotProvider, getDefaultConfig } from 'reef-knot/core-react';
import {
} from 'reef-knot/connect-wallet-modal';
import { WalletsListEthereum } from 'reef-knot/wallets';

Setting Up Providers

  1. Place the <ReefKnotProvider> inside the Wagmi Context Provider.
  2. Place the <ReefKnotWalletsModal> component inside the <ReefKnotProvider>. This component manages the Wallet Connection Modal.



You can refer to the code of the Reef Knot demo app as a reference for setting up the configuration.


Reef Knot provides the getDefaultConfig helper function, which acts as a single entry point for configuring both wagmi and Reef Knot:

const { wagmiConfig, reefKnotConfig, walletsModalConfig } = getDefaultConfig({
walletsList: WalletsListEthereum,
// Other config options

// Wallets configuration

The getDefaultWalletsModalConfig function provides default configuration options for the Wallet Connection Modal, such as:

  • The wallets to display or pin
  • Links to the terms of service and privacy policy

For more details, refer to the connect-wallet-modal package's README


WalletsListEthereum is a default list of wallet adapters.
A wallet adapter is a package dedicated to a specific wallet.
Each adapter exports an object that specifies the wallet's name, its icon, how the wallet should be detected and connected, additional metadata and configuration.

You can import the default WalletsListEthereum, or create a custom list of wallet adapters by including only the wallets you need and excluding the unnecessary ones.

How to Hide a Wallet

To hide a wallet from the Wallet Connection Modal, use the walletsShown prop, which is included by default in the configuration returned by ...getDefaultWalletsModalConfig().

The walletsShown prop is an array of wallet IDs. Simply remove the desired wallet ID from this array to hide the corresponding wallet in the modal.

Passing Configurations

  • Pass the wagmiConfig and reefKnotConfig objects from getDefaultConfig to the config props of their respective Context Providers.
  • Pass the walletsModalConfig object to the <ReefKnotWalletsModal> component.

Dark Theme

To enable a dark theme for the Wallet Connection Modal, use the darkThemeEnabled prop on the <ReefKnotWalletsModal> component.

Triggering the Wallet Connection Modal

To open the Wallet Connection Modal, use the useConnect hook provided by Reef Knot.

Import the Hook

import { useConnect } from 'reef-knot/core-react';

Use the Hook

Call the useConnect hook to get the connect callback:

const { connect } = useConnect();

How connect Works

The connect callback determines the current environment (e.g., desktop browser, mobile wallet app, iframe) and behaves accordingly:

  • If the dApp is opened inside a wallet's dApp browser, it attempts an automatic connection with this specific wallet.
  • Otherwise, it opens the Wallet Connection Modal for manual wallet selection.



If you encounter errors during server-side rendering, you may need to wrap certain parts of your code in a NoSSRWrapper. This wrapper disables server-side rendering for the specified area, helping to avoid SSR-related issues. Here is an example of what the NoSSRWrapper code might look like:

import React from 'react';
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';

const NoSSRWrapper = (props: { children: React.ReactNode }) => (

export default dynamic(() => Promise.resolve(NoSSRWrapper), {
  ssr: false,

This restriction comes from early versions of wagmi library, which had limitations with SSR. It is a known issue, and we are working on removing the need for such wrapping.


Project structure

  • The project is organized as monorepo using turborepo tools.
  • The packages dir contains packages, most of them are published to npm, but some are not.
  • The apps dir contains an example application, which uses the packages to demonstrate wallets connection.

Initial setup

Install the dependencies, build everything:

yarn install & yarn build


  • yarn dev runs the dev script for all apps and packages. Usually apps are launched using next dev and packages are built using rollup with --watch flag, which rebuilds the bundle when its source files change on disk.
  • yarn build - Build all apps and packages.
  • yarn build-apps - Build apps only.
  • yarn build-packages - Build packages only.

How to release a new version

The Changesets tool is used for publishing new versions.
To release a new version, see the instruction in the docs.