Wipe your hard drive clean and install your apps quickly.
Preparation section will prevent you from losing important files, documents, and registration keys upon reinstallation.
Wipe + Reinstall section will walk you through installing a phresh copy of OSX.
Set Up section will walk you through getting your phresh machine up and running as quickly as possible.
Application Installation section will walk you through installing your applications.
Tasty Treats section will tell you some of our Liferay team members' top picks for applications and extensions.
The Preparation section will prevent you from losing important files, documents, and application keys upon reinstalling OSX. The hard drive is completely erased during this process and taking the time to back up files and deauthorizing applications will ensure you have zero regrets after your phresh install.
A fresh install of OS X will wipe any files, programs, and documents from your hard drive. Whether you use Time Machine, the Cloud, or an external hard drive, be sure to have a back up of anything you will need on your phresh machine. If you are using the cloud, make sure all files are finished syncing as well.
How To Clean Install MacOS High Sierra
Information from OSXDaily
Your computer will be viewed as a new machine after the phresh install, which means that you will want to deauthorize any applications that required a registration key. Otherwise, the same key will not work when registering a product after the wipe and you might have to jump through hoops to get your product license back.
Make Your Mac Feel Like New Again With a Fresh Install of OSX
Information from Field Guide—Gizmodo
The Wipe + Reinstall section will walk you through installing a phresh copy of OSX. When you are ready, you'll erase your hard drive and install the latest version of OSX. Once you are at this point, double-check that all necessary files, documents, pictures, and videos are backed up and all applications are deauthorized (as mentioned in the previous steps) because there is no going back after this step.
You will be erasing your hard drive at this point. Once you have completed this step, your hard drive will be reformatted.
- Make sure your computer is plugged into a power source.
your computer and hold down⌘ + R
as soon as the reboot starts. If successful, you will be met by the OSX Utilities screen.- Select Disk Utility, select your Hard Drive.
- Select the Erase tab.
- Rename your Hard Drive, select the format of your Hard Drive, and select Erase.
- Once the drive has been formatted, exit out of Disk Utility to return to the OSX Utilities screen.
Make Your Mac Feel Like New Again With a Fresh Install of OSX
Information from Field Guide—Gizmodo
How to Clean Install MacOS high Sierra
Information from OSXDaily
Disk Utility Help—Erase a volume
Information from Apple Support
Now that you have a reformatted hard drive, you will be installing a phresh copy of the latest OSX onto your hard drive (Unless you have the installation files for a different OS version on a flash drive).
- Make sure your computer is plugged into a power source.
- From the OSX Utilities screen select install macOS.
- Select the hard drive you just reformatted in step 3 of the previous section.
- Select Install and select your preferences as prompted.
How To Clean Install MacOS High Sierra
Information from OSXDaily
The Set Up section will walk you through getting your phresh machine up and running as quickly as possible. We will set up the computer with Homebrew, Node, NPM, Gulp, Homebrew Cask, Git, and Github. This will prepare your computer for future processes such as installing applications quickly.
1. Homebrew 🔗
Homebrew is a great tool for web developers. First, it makes removing Node very easy (otherwise you have to crawl through your file system and delete a bunch of files manually). Second, it greatly simplfies the installation of other useful packages like Git, Ruby, or the very useful wget utility.
- Paste this into a Terminal prompt:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
Homebrew Documentation Description from Treehouse blog
2. Node + NPM 🔗
NPM is a package manager for JavaScript and the world's largest software registry. Discover packages of reusable code — and assemble them in powerful new ways.
- Enter
brew install node
into a Terminal prompt. - Enter
npm install npm@latest -g
into a Terminal prompt. - To check the install, enter
node -v; npm -v
. You should see two numbers print out which are the versions for node and npm respectively.
npmjs Documentation Description from npmjs
3. Gulp 🔗
gulp is a toolkit for automating painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow, so you can stop messing around and build something.
- Enter
npm install -global gulp-cli
into a Terminal prompt. - To check the install, enter
gulp -v
. You should see a number print out which is the version for gulp.
gulpjs Documentation Description from gulpjs
4. Homebrew Cask 🔗
Homebrew-Cask extends Homebrew and brings its elegance, simplicity, and speed to macOS applications and large binaries alike.
- Enter
brew tap caskroom/cask
into a Terminal prompt.
Homebrew Cask Documentation Description from Homebrew Cask
5. Caskroom-fonts 🔗
Caskroom-fonts is a Homebrew Tap which allows you to use the same friendly Homebrew-style CLI workflow for the administration of binary font files on your Mac.
- Enter
brew tap caskroom/fonts
into a Terminal prompt.
Caskroom Fonts Documentation Description from Caskroom Fonts
6. Git + GitHub 🔗
GitHub is a development platform inspired by the way you work. From open source to business, you can host and review code, manage projects, and build software alongside millions of other developers.
- Set up Git and authenticate with GitHub
- Install Git by entering
brew install git
into your terminal and hitting 'enter'. - Set your username.
- Set your commit email address (use the email your GitHub account is associated with).
- Cash your password inside Git (makes life easier).
- Install Git by entering
Getting Started - Git Basics > Github Guides
Description from Github
The Application Installation section will walk you through installing your applications. Using Homebrew Cask, you can download and install the necessary applications, and clean the download files with just a few lines of code.
1. Homebrew Cask 🔗
Homebrew-Cask extends Homebrew and brings its elegance, simplicity, and speed to macOS applications and large binaries alike.
- Decide what applications you would like to install with Homebrew Cask Search.
2. Enter
brew cask install [application]
into a Terminal prompt. This will install the selected application. - Enter
brew cask install [application][space][application]
into a Terminal prompt to install multiple applications. - After installing all desired applications, enter
brew cask cleanup
into a Terminal prompt to delete all download files. - Enter
brew cask upgrade
into a Terminal prompt to upgrade all outdated casks.
To install all of the following applications with a single line of code:
- Enter
brew cask install google-chrome firefox slack skype figma sketch craftmanager adobe-creative-cloud sublime-text hyper
into a Terminal prompt.
- Decide what fonts you would like to install with this directory
- Enter
brew cask install font-[font-name]
into a Terminal prompt - To install Sourrce Sans Pro, enter
brew cask install font-source-sans-pro
into a Terminal prompt.
Web Browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
Communication Tools:
Design Tools:
- Figma
- Sketch
- Craft Manager
- Adobe Creative Cloud
Text Editors:
- Sublime Text
- Hyper
Homebrew Cask Documentation Description from Homebrew Cask
The Tasty Treats section will tell you some of our Liferay team members' top picks for applications and extensions.
To install all of the following applications with a single line of code enter:
brew cask install clipy imageoptim zsh zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting visual-studio-code
into a Terminal prompt.
brew cask install google-chrome firefox slack skype figma sketch google-drive-file-stream adobe-creative-cloud sublime-text flux bettertouchtool opera visual-studio-code vivaldi clipy dropbox imageoptim brave
brew cask install font-source-sans-pro font-blokk-neue font-playfair-display-sc font-playfair-display
- iterm2
- Color Oracle
To install all of the following applications with a single line of code enter
brew cask install iterm2
into a Terminal prompt.
- Notion
- Caffeine
- Karabiner Elements
- Spotify
To install all of the following applications with a single line of code enter
brew cask install notion caffeine karabiner-elements spotify
into a Terminal prompt.
To install all of the following applications with a single line of code enter:
brew cask install flux evernote
into a Terminal prompt.
- Chunk Window Manager
- Simple Hotkey Daemon
- GitKraken
To install all of the following applications with a few lines of code enter:
brew tap crisidev/homebrew-chunkwm
brew install chunkwm koekeishiya/formulae/skhd
brew cask install gitkraken
into a Terminal prompt.