DocumentorBundle is a bundle for Symfony2 projects that enables generation of the project's documentation with the app/console command, after which documentation is accessible through the browser by entering the location of the newly generated documentation.
The DocumentorBundle supports the following:
- *Generates documentation with a simple console command.
- *No need to enter source and target paths.
- *Configurable to make sure it only works in your development environment.
The DocumentorBundle requires the following:
- PHP 5.3.3 or higher
- phpDocumentor2
- The phpdoc command should be callable
Go to your project directory and add the following line to the "require" list in the composer.json file:
"artur-gajewski/phpdocumentor-bundle": "dev-master"
Now run Composer:
php composer.phar install
Finally, add the bundle into the AppKernel.php file in your Symfony2 project.
$bundles[] = new \Aga\DocumentorBundle\DocumentorBundle();
Thats it! If you wish to install this bundle manually, install the contents of this package into src/Aga/DocumentorBundle folder.
Go to your project root and run the command:
$ app/console documentation:create
This command will go through your src/ folder and create documentation based on the files within that folder.
Once the generation of documentation is complete, you need to install the assets into the web folder:
$ app/console assets:install web
Now all you have to do is point your browser to
To come in contact is really simple and can be done in a variety of ways.
- Twitter: @GajewskiArtur
- Github:
- E-mail: [email protected]
If you want to contribute to this project then just fork it, modify it and send a pull request. It's dead simple!