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Other Implementations

Claus Stadler edited this page Oct 5, 2013 · 4 revisions

A list of other rdf related implementations in JavaScript


rdfQuery is an easy-to-use Javascript library for RDF-related processing. You can use it to parse RDFa embedded within your page, query over the facts it contains, and reason to produce more facts. In concert with an server-side triplestore, rdfQuery can be used to create interfaces for editing the semantic web.


rdfstore-js is a pure Javascript implementation of a RDF graph store with support for the SPARQL query and data manipulation language.


The RDF Interfaces Specification defines a set of standardized interfaces for working with RDF data in a programming environment.

This is an ECMAScript-262 V5 (Javascript) implementation of those interfaces, by the specification editor.

JS RDF API Prototype

This library provides access to the next revision of the RDFa API Interfaces, it's not a full implementation yet (the Document Extentions for RDFa documents and PropertyGroup functionality is missing), however it does provide access to all RDF and Data Interfaces from the next editors draft, this library will be aligned with the RDFa API regardless of issue/proposal outcomes from the next editors draft onwards, so will/may be subject to change.


Facete is an Open Source web application written in JavaScript for faceted browsing of data accessible via SPARQL endpoints. It supports filtering of nested facets and the creation of tables. Based on the filters set by a user, Facete automatically detects relations to geographical resources for showing them on a map. The basic RDF classes are nearly 1:1 ports from Apache Jena. We are currently refactoring the project into reusable components.


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