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Lipas-API V1

⚠️ Important Notice

This documentation describes LIPAS API V1, which was created in 2017. For the latest API versions (V2 and newer) and up-to-date documentation, please visit:


While V1 continues to be maintained for backwards compatibility, it is in feature freeze and no new functionality will be added. We recommend using the latest API version for new implementations.

The V1 documentation below remains available for existing integrations.


REST-service for Open data of Finnish sports-places

This repository contains currently only documentation and issue tracking. Source code may be available some day in the future.

Swagger | Lipas info | Lipas web-app

Lipas is a nationwide, public GIS service for Finnish sport sites. Lipas is maintained by the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences of the University of Jyväskylä. Our finance comes from the ministry of Culture and education. Lipas system has information on sport sites, routes and recreational areas and economy.


Swagger UI contains descriptions of all endpoints. Models in Lipas Swagger spec are not perfect because Swagger 2.0 lacks support for oneOf which makes it near impossible to describe polymorphic GeoJSON entries. Error messages provide more detailed information, which might be helpful when integrating.

Optional lang parameter provides Swedish and English localization for certain fields (i.e. sports-place name, type and administration fields). Please note that not all data is localized. Default locale is fi. In POST and PUT endpoints lang parameter doesn't have significance to input data.

GET /sports-places

Returns list of sports-places. This is the endpoint for most use-cases. List can be filtered in several ways in order to get relevant results:

  • fields | determines which data fields will be available in the response. By default only sportsPlaceId is returned.
  • typeCodes | get only certain types of sports-places (e.g. tennis halls, ski jump hills...). See endpint GET /spors-place-types for available type-codes.
  • cityCodes | get sports-places located in certain cities (e.g. Helsinki, Äänekoski...). See official list of city codes in Finland
  • closeTo* | get sports-places within given radius from given point. Lat/Lon point must be given as WGS84
  • searchString | ElasticSearch query string, matches all fields by default.


Results are paged by pageSize and page parameters. Endpoint returns HTTP206 when results are paged and HTTP200 when result-set is complete. Max page size is 100, default is 50. Links to first, last, next and previous page are provided in response link header (GitHub style). X-total-count header provides the total count of available results.

GET /sports-places/

Returns single sports-place with all fields.

POST, PUT, DELETE /sports-places/

For data-producers and internal use. Requires HTTP-Basic authentication. Existing Lipas credentials can be used. Contact [email protected] if you're interested in these endpoints.

GET /sports-place-types

Returns list of available sports place types. Also available as PDF.

GET /sports-place-types/{type-code}

Returns details about single sports place type. Each type contains a set of additional properties which vary between different sports place types.

GET /categories

Returns higher level categorization of sports place types.


Lipas provides geometries in two available forms:

  • Simple lat/lon points (WGS84 and TM35FIN)
  • GeoJSON FeatureCollections

Internally geometries are presented in Lipas as TM35FIN since it's the Finnish national standard. However latest GeoJSON specification mandates that all geometries must be represented as WGS84. Therefore Lipas REST-API returns all GeoJSON responses in WGS84.

Note: Currently there are ~300 sports places which don't have geometries.

Note: Some precision is lost when geometries are converted to and back between TM35FIN and WGS84. In practice difference is very small, but as side-effect some inputted geometries might be slightly different when they come out from Lipas. E.g. inputted double 25.0 might become 24.999999998.

Simple points

Simple points are available as TM35FIN and WGS84 coordinates. In case of more complex geometries (LineStrings, Polygons), starting point is returned.

"location": {
      "coordinates": {
        "tm35fin": {
          "lon": 394188.910987268,
          "lat": 7381487.70351918
        "wgs84": {
          "lon": 24.6182741658716,
          "lat": 66.534329249287

GeoJSON FeatureCollections

Lipas geometries are subset of GeoJSON Geometries. Geometries are always wrapped into Features and Features are always wrapped into a FeatureCollection. Supported geometry types are Point, LineString and Polygon. One sports-place type can contain only features of one geometry type, e.g. "Ski track" geometries must always be LineStrings.

It should be possible to drop any FeatureCollection outputted from Lipas into e.g.

Routes (LineStrings)

Routes are hierachial in Lipas: RouteCollection -1-n-> Route -m-n-> RouteSegment.

Each Feature in route FeatureCollection represents a RouteSegment. Feature properties provides data to construct Routes and RouteCollections from segments.

  "type": "Feature",
  "geometry": {
    "coordinates": [
    "type": "LineString"
  "properties": {
    "routeCollectionId": 500146,
    "routeCollectionName": null,
    "routeId": 500192,
    "routeName": "Ympäryslatu",
    "routeSegmentId": 500469,
    "routeSegmentName": "Ympäryslatu_osa_1"

Areas (Polygons)

Areas are simpler than Routes: Area -1-*-> AreaSegment. Feature properties provide data to construct Areas from segments.

  "type": "Feature",
  "geometry": {
    "type": "Polygon",
    "coordinates": [
  "properties": {
    "areaId": 500022,
    "areaName": null,
    "areaSegmentId": 500020,
    "areaSegmentName": "Osa_1"


Points are normal GeoJSON points with one property pointId. Property is redundant but GeoJSON spec states there must be something.

  "type": "Feature",
  "geometry": {
    "coordinates": [
    "type": "Point"
  "properties": {
    "pointId": 70001

Other interfaces

Lipas exposes also WMS and WFS interfaces through Geoserver.



Copyright © Jyväskylän Yliopisto


REST-service for Open data of Finnish sports-places






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