- Clone everything from this repo
git clone https://github.com/litong01/fabinterop.git
- Build the docker image file by using the following command:
docker build -t cmcc:latest .
- Once you have the docker image, use the following command to start an instance
./cmcc.sh <orgname> <port> <channelname> <chaincodename>
For example,
to start instance for org0 at port 8080, do the following:
./cmcc.sh org0 8080 interopchannel0 cmcc0
to start instance for org1 at port 9090, do the following:
./cmcc.sh org1 9090 interopchannel0 cmcc0
The above assume that your key files organized like the following:
./keyfiles/org0/users/Admin@org0/msp/admincerts/[email protected]
./keyfiles/org1/users/Admin@org1/msp/admincerts/[email protected]