WARNING: Currently this adapter is under construction. This means that it does not work with recent preCICE versions and we do not recommend using this adapter. If you want to contribute, our issue Update fluent adapter for compatibility with recent preCICE versions #1 is a good starting point.
This adapter was originally developed by Bernhard Gatzhammer as a part of his thesis [1]. Richard Hertrich carried out a status update for the adapter in [2].
Our wiki will help you start.
[1] Gatzhammer, Bernhard. Efficient and Flexible Partitioned Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interactions. PhD Thesis, Department of Informatics, Technical University of Munich, 2014. [2] Hertrich, Richard. MSE-Forschungspraktikum: Aktualisierung des preCICE-Fluent Adapters. Studienarbeit, Munich School of Engineering, Technical University of Munich, 2018.
This offering is not approved or endorsed by ANSYS, Inc., producer and distributor of ANSYS Fluent.