All my coding-related readings and exercises.
- Python Crash Course 2nd Edition(Python编程:从入门到实践) [Finished]
- Think Python 2nd Edition(像计算机科学家一样思考Python) [Finished]
- Automate The Boring Stuff With Python [Finished]
- The Big Book of Small Python Projects
- Python 工匠 [Finished]
- Fluent Python 2nd Edition(流畅的Python)
- Python Cookbook 3rd Edition | Github Online CN Version
- Effective Python 2nd Edition
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python | Official Site(Online Reading)
- Python Distilled
- Python in a Nutshell
- Illustrated C# 5th Edition(C#图解教程) [Finished]
- C#11 and .NET 7 – Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals [Finished]
- ASP.NET Core in Action, 3rd Edition [Finished]
- Apps and Services with .NET 7 [Finished]
- C# in Depth, 4th Edition [Finished]
- Web Development with Blazor [Finished]
- Blazor In Action [Finished]
- Blazor WebAssembly by Example, 2nd Edition [Finished]
- Learn WinUI 3 [Finished]
- Pro C#10 With .NET6 [In Progress]
- A Tour of C++ 2nd Edition(C++语言导学) [Finished]
- C++ Crash Course [Finished]
- Modern C++ Tutorial: C++ 11/14/17/20 On the Fly [Finished]
- Modern C++ Programming [Finished]
- The C++ Programming Language 4th Edition [In Progress]
- Modern C [In Progress]
- Operating System: Three Easy Pieces(操作系统导论) [Finished]
- Linux C编程一站式学习 [Finished]
- Modern Operating Systems 4th Edition [In Progress]
- The Odin Project [In Progress]
- Pro Git [In Progress]