released this
17 Dec 16:46
Add classroom handling in dashboard
Dashboard is now responsive to be usable on smartphone
Seed script to create users/classrooms from a CSV file
Improved welcome message on command line: banner, version, settings
Improved resilience, detect: missing settings file, port already in use, fatal error, ...
node.js 4 is no longer supported, version 6 is the new minimum
MongoDB 2.4 is no longer supported, version 2.6 is the new minimum
Go to User journal/Launch activity when clicked on Dashboard chart
Better handling localization on Dashboard
General improvement on Dashboard UI
Admin can signup from remote address
Client IP is wrong when coming from nginx
node.js 10 is now supported #18
npm 6.2.0 says sugarizer-server has 1 "critical vulnerability" #10
Can't create a classroom with a space into the dashboard #19
Error in dashboard when deleting a classroom #20
Missing message string in dashboard on delete #21
Consistency in language of users #33
Server hangs/crashes on when an admin delete its own account
Add size column in Dashboard Journal view #84
Statistics page shows all users as inactive #95
Use a random color for new user/classroom created from dashboard enhancement #166
Stats on how users are launching activities are incorrect #119
No message when searched activity is not found enhancement to be release #112
Better UI to organize activities in dahsboard #87
Go to User journal/Launch activity when clicked on chart enhancement #84
Language switching not handled properly #42
Show no result found message rather than Showing table headings #39
Inconsistency in language of users in dashboard #33
Server hangs/crashes on when an admin delete its own account #82
Language doesn't switch on mobile view #154
Word "users" use instead of "students" on the dashboard #148
Delete all user data when the user is deleted #109
You can’t perform that action at this time.