NACHOOOOS Welcome to the shitty readme
Use ssh-keygen
to generate keys (if ~/.ssh/ doesn't already exist).
Concatenate the contents of ~/.ssh/ to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on aludra.
Hooray! You can ssh without password authentication!
Just in case:
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Install fswatch:
(hombrew or the like)
There are two bash scripts in the setup directory. calls Install both in /usr/local/bin or somewhere in your path.
Run this command to start the process in the background. It watches for file changes and runs the script when a change occurs: &
Right now you probably have to run it each time you restart your computer or something. I was working on a way to have it run as a persistant daemon but so far it's been unsuccessful. I'll keep you posted.
Edit the paths in this file accordingly.
fswatch -0 /path/to/nachos-csci402/code | xargs -0 -n1 &
This command in does the sync bit (this is one line). Edit the paths and usernames accordingly.
rsync -rav --delete -e "ssh -l <username>" /path/to/nachos-csci402/code/ <username> 2>&1 >> ~/nachos-rsync.log