Merge branch 'develop' into bugfix/iris/event-service-exception #1237
3918 passed, 1 failed and 0 skipped
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.architecture.AtlasApiArchitectureTest.xml
3 tests were completed in 1s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.architecture.AtlasApiArchitectureTest | 3✅ | 1s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.architecture.AtlasCodeStyleArchitectureTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 42ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.architecture.AtlasCodeStyleArchitectureTest | 1✅ | 42ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.architecture.AtlasRepositoryArchitectureTest.xml
16 tests were completed in 673ms with 16 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.architecture.AtlasRepositoryArchitectureTest | 16✅ | 673ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.architecture.AtlasResourceArchitectureTest.xml
7 tests were completed in 378ms with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.architecture.AtlasResourceArchitectureTest | 7✅ | 378ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.architecture.AtlasServiceArchitectureTest.xml
5 tests were completed in 157ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.architecture.AtlasServiceArchitectureTest | 5✅ | 157ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.architecture.AtlasTestArchitectureTest.xml
2 tests were completed in 27ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.architecture.AtlasTestArchitectureTest | 2✅ | 27ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CompetencyIntegrationTest.xml
43 tests were completed in 22s with 43 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CompetencyIntegrationTest | 43✅ | 22s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CompetencyIntegrationTest$PreAuthorize.xml
3 tests were completed in 775ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CompetencyIntegrationTest$PreAuthorize | 3✅ | 775ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CompetencyJolIntegrationTest.xml
No tests found
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CompetencyJolIntegrationTest | 0ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CompetencyJolIntegrationTest$GetLatestJudgementOfLearningForCompetency.xml
4 tests were completed in 1s with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CompetencyJolIntegrationTest$GetLatestJudgementOfLearningForCompetency | 4✅ | 1s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CompetencyJolIntegrationTest$GetLatestJudgementOfLearningForCourse.xml
2 tests were completed in 299ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CompetencyJolIntegrationTest$GetLatestJudgementOfLearningForCourse | 2✅ | 299ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CompetencyJolIntegrationTest$SetJudgementOfLearning.xml
5 tests were completed in 619ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CompetencyJolIntegrationTest$SetJudgementOfLearning | 5✅ | 619ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CourseCompetencyIntegrationTest.xml
15 tests were completed in 4s with 15 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CourseCompetencyIntegrationTest | 15✅ | 4s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CourseCompetencyIntegrationTest$CreateCompetencyRelation.xml
5 tests were completed in 955ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CourseCompetencyIntegrationTest$CreateCompetencyRelation | 5✅ | 955ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CourseCompetencyIntegrationTest$GetCompetenciesForImport.xml
3 tests were completed in 725ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CourseCompetencyIntegrationTest$GetCompetenciesForImport | 3✅ | 725ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CourseCompetencyIntegrationTest$GetCompetencyCourseProgress.xml
2 tests were completed in 1s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CourseCompetencyIntegrationTest$GetCompetencyCourseProgress | 2✅ | 1s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CourseCompetencyIntegrationTest$GetCompetencyStudentProgress.xml
2 tests were completed in 1s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CourseCompetencyIntegrationTest$GetCompetencyStudentProgress | 2✅ | 1s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CourseCompetencyIntegrationTest$GetCourseCompetencyTitles.xml
1 tests were completed in 107ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CourseCompetencyIntegrationTest$GetCourseCompetencyTitles | 1✅ | 107ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CourseCompetencyIntegrationTest$GetTitle.xml
2 tests were completed in 196ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CourseCompetencyIntegrationTest$GetTitle | 2✅ | 196ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CourseCompetencyIntegrationTest$PreAuthorize.xml
3 tests were completed in 412ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.CourseCompetencyIntegrationTest$PreAuthorize | 3✅ | 412ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.PrerequisiteIntegrationTest.xml
42 tests were completed in 8s with 42 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.PrerequisiteIntegrationTest | 42✅ | 8s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.PrerequisiteIntegrationTest$PreAuthorize.xml
3 tests were completed in 510ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.PrerequisiteIntegrationTest$PreAuthorize | 3✅ | 510ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest.xml
No tests found
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest | 0ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$AdminStandardizedCompetencyResource.xml
No tests found
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$AdminStandardizedCompetencyResource | 0ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$AdminStandardizedCompetencyResource$CreateKnowledgeArea.xml
8 tests were completed in 699ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$AdminStandardizedCompetencyResource$CreateKnowledgeArea | 8✅ | 699ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$AdminStandardizedCompetencyResource$CreateStandardizedCompetency.xml
7 tests were completed in 420ms with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$AdminStandardizedCompetencyResource$CreateStandardizedCompetency | 7✅ | 420ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$AdminStandardizedCompetencyResource$DeleteKnowledgeArea.xml
3 tests were completed in 234ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$AdminStandardizedCompetencyResource$DeleteKnowledgeArea | 3✅ | 234ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$AdminStandardizedCompetencyResource$DeleteStandardizedCompetency.xml
3 tests were completed in 186ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$AdminStandardizedCompetencyResource$DeleteStandardizedCompetency | 3✅ | 186ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$AdminStandardizedCompetencyResource$ExportStandardizedCompetencies.xml
1 tests were completed in 109ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$AdminStandardizedCompetencyResource$ExportStandardizedCompetencies | 1✅ | 109ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$AdminStandardizedCompetencyResource$ImportStandardizedCompetencies.xml
2 tests were completed in 212ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$AdminStandardizedCompetencyResource$ImportStandardizedCompetencies | 2✅ | 212ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$AdminStandardizedCompetencyResource$UpdateKnowledgeArea.xml
10 tests were completed in 858ms with 10 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$AdminStandardizedCompetencyResource$UpdateKnowledgeArea | 10✅ | 858ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$AdminStandardizedCompetencyResource$UpdateStandardizedCompetency.xml
7 tests were completed in 547ms with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$AdminStandardizedCompetencyResource$UpdateStandardizedCompetency | 7✅ | 547ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$PreAuthorize.xml
3 tests were completed in 205ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$PreAuthorize | 3✅ | 205ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$StandardizedCompetencyResource.xml
No tests found
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$StandardizedCompetencyResource | 0ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$StandardizedCompetencyResource$GetAllForTreeView.xml
1 tests were completed in 105ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$StandardizedCompetencyResource$GetAllForTreeView | 1✅ | 105ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$StandardizedCompetencyResource$GetKnowledgeArea.xml
2 tests were completed in 179ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$StandardizedCompetencyResource$GetKnowledgeArea | 2✅ | 179ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$StandardizedCompetencyResource$GetSources.xml
1 tests were completed in 48ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$StandardizedCompetencyResource$GetSources | 1✅ | 48ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$StandardizedCompetencyResource$GetStandardizedCompetency.xml
2 tests were completed in 242ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.competency.StandardizedCompetencyIntegrationTest$StandardizedCompetencyResource$GetStandardizedCompetency | 2✅ | 242ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.learningpath.LearningPathIntegrationTest.xml
33 tests were completed in 11s with 33 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.learningpath.LearningPathIntegrationTest | 33✅ | 11s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.learningpath.LearningPathIntegrationTest$GenerateLearningPath.xml
3 tests were completed in 1s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.learningpath.LearningPathIntegrationTest$GenerateLearningPath | 3✅ | 1s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.learningpath.LearningPathIntegrationTest$GetLearningPath.xml
2 tests were completed in 672ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.learningpath.LearningPathIntegrationTest$GetLearningPath | 2✅ | 672ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.learningpath.LearningPathIntegrationTest$StartLearningPath.xml
3 tests were completed in 786ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.learningpath.LearningPathIntegrationTest$StartLearningPath | 3✅ | 786ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.profile.LearnerProfileIntegrationTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 47ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.profile.LearnerProfileIntegrationTest | 1✅ | 47ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/
3 tests were completed in 189ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
---|---|---|---|---| | 3✅ | 189ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/
3 tests were completed in 300ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
---|---|---|---|---| | 3✅ | 300ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.service.LearningObjectServiceTest.xml
7 tests were completed in 452ms with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.service.LearningObjectServiceTest | 7✅ | 452ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.service.LearningPathServiceTest.xml
No tests found
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.service.LearningPathServiceTest | 0ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.service.LearningPathServiceTest$GenerateNgxPathRepresentation.xml
1 tests were completed in 58ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.service.LearningPathServiceTest$GenerateNgxPathRepresentation | 1✅ | 58ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.service.LearningPathServiceTest$HealthCheck.xml
3 tests were completed in 366ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.service.LearningPathServiceTest$HealthCheck | 3✅ | 366ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.UnionFindTest.xml
8 tests were completed in 233ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.atlas.UnionFindTest | 8✅ | 233ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.architecture.IrisCodeStyleArchitectureTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 15ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.architecture.IrisCodeStyleArchitectureTest | 1✅ | 15ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.architecture.IrisRepositoryArchitectureTest.xml
16 tests were completed in 255ms with 16 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.architecture.IrisRepositoryArchitectureTest | 16✅ | 255ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.architecture.IrisResourceArchitectureTest.xml
7 tests were completed in 222ms with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.architecture.IrisResourceArchitectureTest | 7✅ | 222ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.architecture.IrisServiceArchitectureTest.xml
5 tests were completed in 199ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.architecture.IrisServiceArchitectureTest | 5✅ | 199ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.IrisChatMessageIntegrationTest.xml
14 tests were completed in 19s with 14 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.IrisChatMessageIntegrationTest | 14✅ | 19s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.IrisChatTokenTrackingIntegrationTest.xml
3 tests were completed in 2s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.IrisChatTokenTrackingIntegrationTest | 3✅ | 2s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.IrisChatWebsocketTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 170ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.IrisChatWebsocketTest | 1✅ | 170ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.IrisCompetencyGenerationIntegrationTest.xml
3 tests were completed in 556ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.IrisCompetencyGenerationIntegrationTest | 3✅ | 556ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.IrisExerciseChatSessionIntegrationTest.xml
8 tests were completed in 3s with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.IrisExerciseChatSessionIntegrationTest | 8✅ | 3s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.IrisSessionActivationIntegrationTest.xml
4 tests were completed in 714ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.IrisSessionActivationIntegrationTest | 4✅ | 714ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.IrisTextExerciseChatMessageIntegrationTest.xml
12 tests were completed in 2s with 12 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.IrisTextExerciseChatMessageIntegrationTest | 12✅ | 2s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.PyrisConnectorServiceTest.xml
28 tests were completed in 1s with 28 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.PyrisConnectorServiceTest | 28✅ | 1s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.PyrisEventSystemIntegrationTest.xml
10 tests were completed in 4s with 10 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.PyrisEventSystemIntegrationTest | 10✅ | 4s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.PyrisLectureIngestionTest.xml
14 tests were completed in 4s with 14 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.PyrisLectureIngestionTest | 14✅ | 4s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.settings.IrisSettingsIntegrationTest.xml
25 tests were completed in 5s with 25 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.iris.settings.IrisSettingsIntegrationTest | 25✅ | 5s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.aelous.AeolusBuildScriptGenerationServiceTest.xml
4 tests were completed in 187ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.aelous.AeolusBuildScriptGenerationServiceTest | 4✅ | 187ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.aelous.AeolusServiceTest.xml
9 tests were completed in 120ms with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.aelous.AeolusServiceTest | 9✅ | 120ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.aelous.AeolusTemplateResourceTest.xml
24 tests were completed in 824ms with 24 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.aelous.AeolusTemplateResourceTest | 24✅ | 824ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.aelous.AeolusTest.xml
4 tests were completed in 48ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.aelous.AeolusTest | 4✅ | 48ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.architecture.ProgrammingCodeStyleArchitectureTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 19ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.architecture.ProgrammingCodeStyleArchitectureTest | 1✅ | 19ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.architecture.ProgrammingRepositoryArchitectureTest.xml
16 tests were completed in 361ms with 16 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.architecture.ProgrammingRepositoryArchitectureTest | 16✅ | 361ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.architecture.ProgrammingResourceArchitectureTest.xml
7 tests were completed in 220ms with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.architecture.ProgrammingResourceArchitectureTest | 7✅ | 220ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.architecture.ProgrammingServiceArchitectureTest.xml
5 tests were completed in 318ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.architecture.ProgrammingServiceArchitectureTest | 5✅ | 318ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.architecture.ProgrammingTestArchitectureTest.xml
2 tests were completed in 26ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.architecture.ProgrammingTestArchitectureTest | 2✅ | 26ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.AuxiliaryRepositoryServiceTest.xml
15 tests were completed in 675ms with 15 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.AuxiliaryRepositoryServiceTest | 15✅ | 675ms |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.BuildPlanIntegrationTest.xml
13 tests were completed in 9s with 13 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.BuildPlanIntegrationTest | 13✅ | 9s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.ConsistencyCheckGitlabJenkinsIntegrationTest.xml
5 tests were completed in 2s with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.ConsistencyCheckGitlabJenkinsIntegrationTest | 5✅ | 2s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.CourseGitlabJenkinsIntegrationTest.xml
153 tests were completed in 47s with 153 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.CourseGitlabJenkinsIntegrationTest | 153✅ | 47s |
✅ build/test-results/test/TEST-de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.GitlabServiceTest.xml
14 tests were completed in 717ms with 14 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Report exceeded GitHub limit of 65535 bytes and has been trimmed
github-actions / H2 Tests
de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.icl.LocalCIResourceIntegrationTest ► testGetFinishedBuildJobs_returnsSortedJobs()
Failed test found in:
Raw output
Expected size: 3 but was: 5 in:
[FinishedBuildJobDTO[id=7241738350716468, name=SHORT87615AC5036C50468209B4407D22E8962303TSTEXC-SOLUTION, buildAgentAddress=[]:5703, participationId=724, courseId=273, exerciseId=372, status=FAILED, repositoryType=solution, repositoryName=short87615ac5036c50468209b4407d22e8962303tstexc-solution, triggeredByPushTo=solution, buildStartDate=2025-01-31T19:11:58.481895Z, buildCompletionDate=2025-01-31T19:11:58.489759Z, commitHash=null, submissionResult=null],
FinishedBuildJobDTO[id=7251738350716471, name=SHORT87615AC5036C50468209B4407D22E8962303TSTEXC-BASE, buildAgentAddress=[]:5703, participationId=725, courseId=273, exerciseId=372, status=FAILED, repositoryType=exercise, repositoryName=short87615ac5036c50468209b4407d22e8962303tstexc-exercise, triggeredByPushTo=exercise, buildStartDate=2025-01-31T19:11:58.520641Z, buildCompletionDate=2025-01-31T19:11:58.526956Z, commitHash=null, submissionResult=null],
FinishedBuildJobDTO[id=4, name=job4, buildAgentAddress=[]:5703, participationId=4, courseId=289, exerciseId=1, status=FAILED, repositoryType=null, repositoryName=test, triggeredByPushTo=user, buildStartDate=2025-01-31T19:12:59.178811Z, buildCompletionDate=2025-01-31T19:13:59.178811Z, commitHash=test, submissionResult=ResultDTO[id=146, completionDate=2025-01-31T19:11:59.178834Z, successful=false, score=0.0, rated=true, participation=null, submission=null, assessmentType=AUTOMATIC, testCaseCount=0, passedTestCaseCount=0, codeIssueCount=0]],
FinishedBuildJobDTO[id=5, name=job5, buildAgentAddress=[]:5703, participationId=5, courseId=290, exerciseId=1, status=FAILED, repositoryType=null, repositoryName=test, triggeredByPushTo=user, buildStartDate=2025-01-31T19:02:59.178813Z, buildCompletionDate=2025-01-31T19:14:29.178814Z, commitHash=test, submissionResult=ResultDTO[id=147, completionDate=2025-01-31T19:11:59.178834Z, successful=false, score=0.0, rated=true, participation=null, submission=null, assessmentType=AUTOMATIC, testCaseCount=0, passedTestCaseCount=0, codeIssueCount=0]],
FinishedBuildJobDTO[id=3, name=job3, buildAgentAddress=[]:5703, participationId=3, courseId=288, exerciseId=1, status=SUCCESSFUL, repositoryType=null, repositoryName=test, triggeredByPushTo=user, buildStartDate=2025-01-31T19:13:59.178809Z, buildCompletionDate=2025-01-31T19:14:59.178809Z, commitHash=test, submissionResult=ResultDTO[id=145, completionDate=2025-01-31T19:11:59.178833Z, successful=true, score=100.0, rated=true, participation=null, submission=null, assessmentType=AUTOMATIC, testCaseCount=0, passedTestCaseCount=0, codeIssueCount=0]]]
at de.tum.cit.aet.artemis.programming.icl.LocalCIResourceIntegrationTest.testGetFinishedBuildJobs_returnsSortedJobs(
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.doExec(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.topLevelExec(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.scan(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(
at java.base/