The organization and authors of this repository are not liable for any consequential damage or injury that any code or information available in this repository may produce to you or others. The code available in this repository should be used only for reading purposes as different robots and settings may act different during program execution. Use the code and information available here at your own risk, and always make sure you are following all the safety procedures recommended by your robot manufacturer. Robots can be dangerous if used inappropriately, be careful!
If you are here because you want to learn more about our first experiment with Amazon Turk individuals, please take a look at the first-experiment folder.
If you wanna see how we implemented a pratical example of our prototype using a mobile robot manipulator, please take a look at the application folder.
Try our experiment online by accessing the following website:
Questions? Feel free to get in touch with us:
- Nico Ritschel: [email protected]
- Felipe Fronchetti: [email protected]
- David Shepherd: [email protected]