Run the api and the database with docker
$ git clone
$ cd go_contact
$ docker-compose up -d
- Routes prefix : v1 Exemple of format of response :
Status: 200,
Meta: null,
"Data": [
"ID": 1,
"CreatedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"UpdatedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"DeletedAt": null,
"FirstName": "",
"LastName": "",
"PhoneNumbers": null
- Contact routes
GET /v1/contact retrieve list of all contacts with FirstName and LastName
GET /v1/contact/:id retrieve a contact with FirstName, LastName and PhoneNumbers
POST /v1/contact create a new contact, take a json body with FirstName, LastName
PUT /v1/contact/:id update a contact, take a json body with FirstName, LastName
DELETE /v1/contact/:id delete a contact with a particular id
- PhoneNumber routes
POST /v1/phoneNumber Create a new phoneNumber and assossiate it with a particular contact. Take a json with number, name and contactid (number is the phone number, name is the type of phone number, contactid is the id of the particular contact)
DELETE /v1/phoneNumber/:id Delete a phoneNumber with a particular id
With theses routes, Bob and Alice can create new contact and add numbers to them, remove these numbers, edit the contact informations or delete the contact.