- Fork this repository and clone the forked repository.
- open terminal and run pip install Flask Flask-SQLAlchemy
- Run the app.py
- By default it is using a mysql database, fill in the credentials for mysql in line number 6 of app.py.
- You can also use a sqlite database.
- To change database, just modify line number 6 in app.py
- When it is executed for the first time, it will automatically create the required tables.
- Login credentials are the records stored in the SlotBookedApplicants table.
- To login, you must create a record in the above mentioned table. You need to use the value of the regno field and the password will be the value of the Phoneno field.
- Therefore create a sample record to login.
- Sample Record Example:
- name: test
- regno: 22BCE1111
- email: [email protected]
- phoneNo: 1234567890
- department1: Technical Department - Backend
- department2: Media Department
- slot1_status:
- slot2_status:
- slot1:
- slot2:
- slot 1 status, slot 2 status , slot 1, slot 2 will be automatically filled when a slot is booked.
- Now since this person in the sample record was shortlisted for Technical Department - Backend and Media Department also, you need to create a record in both those tables also for this same person.
- Then you need to add an available slot for both the department in the Slots table.
- Example Record for Slots table.
- slot_id: 1
- slot_num: 1
- department: Technical Department - Backend
- slot: September 28 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
- seats: 10
- seats_left: 10
- The slots you create here, will be displayed when the user is trying to book the slots.
- Every time a slot is booked, the seats left for the slot will decrease. Once there is no seat left in a slot, that slot will be no longer displayed in the slot booking page.
- Make sure you create slots for all the departments an applicant is shortlisted.
- For example, here our test applicant is shortlisted for Technical Department - Backend and Media Department. So make sure a slot is created for both the departments.
- Example Record for Slots table.
- Sample Record Example:
- If you face any issue, you can reach our technical support team at Linux Club Forums
- Once you have made any improvements or modifications, you can create a pull request.
- Linux Club Technical Team will review it and if it passes the review, it will be merged to main repository.
Make the necessary changes to the app.py file.
docker compose up -d
Developed by Rahul Vijayakumar
Github profile: rahulvk007
Blog: rahulvk.com
Frontend developed by Dhananjay Chauhan