This repo generates a container image that maximizes the number of CVEs in the image, while minimizing the size of the image.
The result is a 1.8 MB image that reports as having almost 30,000 CVEs. That's roughly one CVE for every 62 bytes!
$ time grype $(go run .) > /dev/null
2023/11/12 11:07:09 wrote /lib/apk/db/installed
2023/11/12 11:07:09 wrote /etc/os-release
2023/11/12 11:07:09 wrote
✔ Vulnerability DB [no update available]
✔ Loaded image
✔ Parsed image sha256:9ccc9244966be8bc6c3bc6f33d88a2bc062cfd21b72c055b70a33c922d09a91a
✔ Cataloged packages [26573 packages]
✔ Scanned for vulnerabilities [29345 vulnerability matches]
├── by severity: 1925 critical, 17158 high, 8845 medium, 400 low, 0 negligible (1017 unknown)
└── by status: 24759 fixed, 4586 not-fixed, 0 ignored
Or, if you prefer to consume data visually:
Zero negligible vulns, nice!
Real minimal base image for scale
To minimize size, the image doesn't actually contain any packages. In fact, it only contains two files:
, which tells scanners the image is a Wolfi image./lib/apk/db/installed
, which tells scanners that the image contains every version of every package that Wolfi has available.
Wolfi aims to reduce the number of vulnerable packages by producing new fixed packages as soon as possible. But, along the way, it also produces lots and lots of packages that do contain vulnerabilities. This image claims to contain all of them.
Amusingly, it takes about 500ms to build and push the image, and almost two minutes to scan it.
Aside from being fun, this image demonstrates how scanners work -- and importantly, how they don't work.
At their most basic, scanners require images (1) tell them what OS they are, and (2) tell them what packages they contain. This image does both, but it does so in a way that is misleading.
For a similar (but opposite) demonstration of this, see Malicious Compliance: Reflections on Trusting Container Scanners. In that talk, they mislead the scanner into finding fewer CVEs in the presence of vulnerable packages. In this demonstration, we mislead the scanner into finding vulnerabilities without installing any packages.